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SearchFacetBuilderTDocumentNumberTField Method (String, ExpressionFuncTDocument, TField, IEnumerableBsonValue, String)

Creates a facet that determines the frequency of numeric values by breaking the search results into separate ranges of numbers.

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver.Search
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver (in MongoDB.Driver.dll) Version: 2.20.0+ee01960089f28ea1b501690df5fc9f6318a70242
public SearchFacet<TDocument> Number<TField>(
	string name,
	Expression<Func<TDocument, TField>> path,
	IEnumerable<BsonValue> boundaries,
	string default = null


Type: SystemString
The name of the facet.
Type: System.Linq.ExpressionsExpressionFuncTDocument, TField
The field path to facet on.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableBsonValue
A list of numeric values that specify the boundaries for each bucket.
default (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The name of an additional bucket that counts documents returned from the operator that do not fall within the specified boundaries.

Type Parameters

The type of the field.

Return Value

Type: SearchFacetTDocument
A number search facet.
See Also