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UpdateDocument Methods

The UpdateDocument type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(Dictionary<String, Object>) Obsolete.
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(IDictionary<String, Object>) Obsolete.
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(IDictionary) Obsolete.
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(BsonElement)
Adds an element to the document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(BsonElement[]) Obsolete.
Adds a list of elements to the document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(IEnumerable<BsonElement>) Obsolete.
Adds a list of elements to the document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(Dictionary<String, Object>, IEnumerable<String>) Obsolete.
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(IDictionary<String, Object>, IEnumerable<String>) Obsolete.
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(IDictionary, IEnumerable) Obsolete.
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(String, BsonValue)
Creates and adds an element to the document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(String, BsonValue, Boolean)
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAdd(String, Func<BsonValue>, Boolean)
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true. If the condition is false the value factory is not called at all.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAddRange(Dictionary<String, Object>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAddRange(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String, Object>>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAddRange(IDictionary)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodAddRange(IEnumerable<BsonElement>)
Adds a list of elements to the document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodClear
Clears the document (removes all elements).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodClone
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodCompareTo(BsonDocument)
Compares this document to another document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodCompareTo(BsonValue)
Compares the BsonDocument to another BsonValue.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodCompareTypeTo
Compares the type of this BsonValue to the type of another BsonValue.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodContains
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified name.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodContainsValue
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified value.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodDeepClone
Creates a deep clone of the document (see also Clone).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodEquals(Object)
Compares this BsonDocument to another object.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodEquals(BsonDocument)
Compares this document to another document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodEquals(BsonValue)
Compares this BsonValue to another BsonValue.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetElement(Int32)
Gets an element of this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodGetElement(String)
Gets an element of this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets an enumerator that can be used to enumerate the elements of this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets the hash code.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue(Int32)
Gets the value of an element.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodGetValue(String)
Gets the value of an element.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodGetValue(String, BsonValue)
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Protected methodIConvertibleGetTypeCodeImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible GetTypeCode method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToBooleanImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToBoolean method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToByteImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToByte method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToCharImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToChar method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToDateTimeImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToDateTime method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToDecimalImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToDecimal method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToDoubleImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToDouble method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToInt16Implementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToInt16 method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToInt32Implementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToInt32 method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToInt64Implementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToInt64 method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToSByteImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToSByte method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToSingleImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToSingle method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToStringImplementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToString method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToUInt16Implementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToUInt16 method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToUInt32Implementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToUInt32 method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Protected methodIConvertibleToUInt64Implementation
Implementation of the IConvertible ToUInt64 method.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodIndexOfName
Gets the index of an element.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodInsertAt
Inserts a new element at a specified position.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMerge(BsonDocument)
Merges another document into this one. Existing elements are not overwritten.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodMerge(BsonDocument, Boolean)
Merges another document into this one, specifying whether existing elements are overwritten.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Protected methodOperatorEqualsImplementation
Implementation of operator ==.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodRemove
Removes an element from this document (if duplicate element names are allowed then all elements with this name will be removed).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes an element from this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodRemoveElement
Removes an element from this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodSet(Int32, BsonValue)
Sets the value of an element.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodSet(String, BsonValue)
Sets the value of an element (an element will be added if no element with this name is found).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodSetElement(BsonElement)
Sets an element of the document (replaces any existing element with the same name or adds a new element if an element with the same name is not found).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodSetElement(Int32, BsonElement)
Sets an element of the document (replacing the existing element at that position).
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodToBoolean
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToDecimal
Converts this BsonValue to a Decimal.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToDecimal128
Converts this BsonValue to a Decimal128.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToDictionary
Converts the BsonDocument to a Dictionary<string, object>.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodToDouble
Converts this BsonValue to a Double.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToHashtable
Converts the BsonDocument to a Hashtable.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodToInt32
Converts this BsonValue to an Int32.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToInt64
Converts this BsonValue to an Int64.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToLocalTime
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime in local time.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToNullableLocalTime
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in local time.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToNullableUniversalTime
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in UTC.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of the document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodToUniversalTime
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime in UTC.
(Inherited from BsonValue.)
Public methodTryGetElement
Tries to get an element of this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Tries to get the value of an element of this document.
(Inherited from BsonDocument.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodToBson
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToBsonDocument
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToJson
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
See Also