Feature Properties |
The Feature type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Aggregate | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate feature.
| |
AggregateAccumulator |
Gets the aggregate accumulato feature.
| |
AggregateAddFields | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate AddFields feature.
| |
AggregateAllowDiskUse | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate allow disk use feature.
| |
AggregateBucketStage | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate bucket stage feature.
| |
AggregateComment | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate comment feature.
| |
AggregateCountStage | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate count stage feature.
| |
AggregateCursorResult | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate cursor result feature.
| |
AggregateExplain | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate explain feature.
| |
AggregateFacetStage | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate $facet stage feature.
| |
AggregateFunction |
Gets the aggregate $function stage feature.
| |
AggregateGraphLookupStage | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate $graphLookup stage feature.
| |
AggregateHint | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate hint feature.
| |
AggregateLet | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate lookup stage let feature.
| |
AggregateMerge |
Gets the aggregate merge feature.
| |
AggregateOptionsLet |
Gets the aggregate let feature.
| |
AggregateOut | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate out feature.
| |
AggregateOutOnSecondary |
Gets the aggregate out on secondary feature,
| |
AggregateOutToDifferentDatabase |
Gets the aggregate out to a different database feature.
| |
AggregateToString |
Gets the aggregate toString feature.
| |
AggregateUnionWith |
Gets the aggregate unionWith feature.
| |
ArrayFilters | Obsolete.
Gets the arrayFilters feature.
| |
BypassDocumentValidation | Obsolete.
Gets the bypass document validation feature.
| |
ChangeStreamAllChangesForCluster |
Gets the change stream all changes for cluster feature.
| |
ChangeStreamForDatabase |
Gets the change stream for database feature.
| |
ChangeStreamPostBatchResumeToken |
Gets the change stream post batch resume token feature.
| |
ChangeStreamPrePostImages |
Gets the change stream pre post images feature.
| |
ChangeStreamStage | Obsolete.
Gets the aggregate $changeStream stage feature.
| |
ClientSideEncryption |
Gets the client side encryption feature.
| |
ClusteredIndexes |
Gets the clustered indexes feature.
| |
Collation | Obsolete.
Gets the collation feature.
| |
CommandMessage | Obsolete.
Gets the command message feature.
| |
CommandsThatWriteAcceptWriteConcern | Obsolete.
Gets the commands that write accept write concern feature.
| |
CreateIndexCommitQuorum |
Gets the create index commit quorum feature.
| |
CreateIndexesCommand | Obsolete.
Gets the create indexes command feature.
| |
CreateIndexesUsingInsertOperations |
Gets the create indexes using insert operations feature.
| |
Csfle2 |
Gets the client side field level encryption 2 feature.
| |
Csfle2QEv2 |
Gets the client side field level encryption 2 queryable encryption v2 feature.
| |
CsfleRangeAlgorithm |
Gets the csfle range algorithm feature.
| |
CurrentOpCommand | Obsolete.
Gets the current op command feature.
| |
DateOperatorsNewIn50 |
Gets the date operators added in 5.0 feature.
| |
DensifyStage |
Gets the aggregate $densify stage feature.
| |
DirectConnectionSetting |
Gets the directConnection setting feature.
| |
DocumentsStage |
Gets the documents stage feature.
| |
DocumentValidation | Obsolete.
Gets the document validation feature.
| |
ElectionIdPriorityInSDAM |
Gets the electionIdPriorityInSDAM feature.
| |
Eval |
Gets the eval feature.
| |
ExplainCommand | Obsolete.
Gets the explain command feature.
| |
FailPoints | Obsolete.
Gets the fail points feature.
| |
FailPointsBlockConnection |
Gets the fail points block connection feature.
| |
FailPointsFailCommand |
Gets the fail points fail command feature.
| |
FailPointsFailCommandForSharded |
Gets the fail points fail command for sharded feature.
| |
FilterLimit |
Gets filter limit feature.
| |
FindAllowDiskUse | Obsolete.
Gets the find allowDiskUse feature.
| |
FindAndModifyWriteConcern | Obsolete.
Gets the find and modify write concern feature.
| |
FindCommand | Obsolete.
Gets the find command feature.
| |
FindProjectionExpressions |
Gets the find projection expressions feature.
| |
GeoNearCommand |
Gets the geoNear command feature.
| |
GetField |
Gets the getField feature.
| |
GetMoreComment |
Gets the getMore comment feature.
| |
GroupCommand |
Gets the group command feature.
| |
HedgedReads |
Gets the hedged reads feature.
| |
HiddenIndex |
Gets the hidden index feature.
| |
HintForDeleteOperations | Obsolete.
Gets the hint for delete operations feature.
| |
HintForFindAndModifyFeature |
Gets the hint for find and modify operations feature.
| |
HintForUpdateAndReplaceOperations | Obsolete.
Gets the hint for update and replace operations feature.
| |
IndexOptionsDefaults | Obsolete.
Gets the index options defaults feature.
| |
KeepConnectionPoolWhenNotMasterConnectionException | Obsolete.
Gets the keep connection pool when NotPrimary connection exception feature.
| |
KeepConnectionPoolWhenNotPrimaryConnectionException |
Gets the keep connection pool when NotPrimary connection exception feature.
| |
KeepConnectionPoolWhenReplSetStepDown |
Gets the keep connection pool when replSetStepDown feature.
| |
KillAllSessions | Obsolete.
Get the killAllSessions feature.
| |
KillCursorsCommand | Obsolete.
Get the killCursors command feature.
| |
LegacyWireProtocol |
Gets the legacy wire protocol feature.
| |
ListCollectionsCommand | Obsolete.
Gets the list collections command feature.
| |
ListDatabasesAuthorizedDatabases |
Get the list databases authorizedDatabases feature.
| |
ListDatabasesFilter | Obsolete.
Gets the list databases filter feature.
| |
ListDatabasesNameOnlyOption | Obsolete.
Get the list databases nameOnly feature.
| |
ListIndexesCommand | Obsolete.
Gets the list indexes command feature.
| |
LoadBalancedMode |
Gets the load balanced mode feature.
| |
MaxStaleness | Obsolete.
Gets the maximum staleness feature.
| |
MaxTime | Obsolete.
Gets the maximum time feature.
| |
MmapV1StorageEngine |
Gets the mmapv1 storage engine feature.
| |
Name |
Gets the name of the feature.
| |
NotSupportedMessage |
Gets the error message to be used by the feature support checks.
| |
PartialIndexes | Obsolete.
Gets the partial indexes feature.
| |
PickAccumulatorsNewIn52 |
Gets the pick accumulators new in 5.2 feature.
| |
ReadConcern | Obsolete.
Gets the read concern feature.
| |
RetryableReads | Obsolete.
Gets the retryable reads feature.
| |
RetryableWrites | Obsolete.
Gets the retryable writes feature.
| |
ScramSha1Authentication | Obsolete.
Gets the scram sha1 authentication feature.
| |
ScramSha256Authentication |
Gets the scram sha256 authentication feature.
| |
ServerExtractsUsernameFromX509Certificate | Obsolete.
Gets the server extracts username from X509 certificate feature.
| |
ServerReturnsResumableChangeStreamErrorLabel |
Gets the server returns resumableChangeStream label feature.
| |
ServerReturnsRetryableWriteErrorLabel |
Gets the server returns retryable writeError label feature.
| |
SetWindowFields |
Gets the set window fields feature.
| |
SetWindowFieldsLocf |
Gets the set window fields $locf feature.
| |
ShardedTransactions |
Gets the sharded transactions feature.
| |
SnapshotReads |
Gets the snapshot reads feature.
| |
SortArrayOperator |
Gets the $sortArray operator feature.
| |
SpeculativeAuthentication |
Gets the speculative authentication feature.
| |
StableApi |
Gets the speculative authentication feature.
| |
StreamingHello |
Gets the streaming hello feature.
| |
StreamingIsMaster | Obsolete.
Gets the streaming hello feature.
| |
TailableCursor | Obsolete.
Gets the tailable cursor feature.
| |
ToConversionOperators |
Gets the $toXyz conversion operators feature ($toDouble etc.).
| |
Transactions |
Gets the transactions feature.
| |
TrigOperators |
Gets the trig operators feature.
| |
UpdateWithAggregationPipeline |
Gets the update with aggregation pipeline feature.
| |
UserManagementCommands | Obsolete.
Gets the user management commands feature.
| |
Views | Obsolete.
Gets the views feature.
| |
WildcardIndexes |
Gets the wildcard indexes feature.
| |
WriteCommands | Obsolete.
Gets the write commands feature.