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AutoEncryptionOptions Properties

The AutoEncryptionOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBypassAutoEncryption
Gets a value indicating whether to bypass automatic encryption.
Public propertyBypassQueryAnalysis
Gets a value indicating whether to bypass query analysis.
Public propertyEncryptedFieldsMap
Gets the encrypted fields map. Supplying an encryptedFieldsMap provides more security than relying on an encryptedFields obtained from the server. It protects against a malicious server advertising a false encryptedFields.
Public propertyExtraOptions
Gets the extra options.
Public propertyKeyVaultClient
Gets the key vault client.
Public propertyKeyVaultNamespace
Gets the key vault namespace.
Public propertyKmsProviders
Gets the KMS providers.
Public propertySchemaMap
Gets the schema map.
Public propertyTlsOptions
Gets the tls options.
See Also