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SortDefinitionExtensions Class

Extension methods for SortDefinition.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver (in MongoDB.Driver.dll) Version: 2.20.0+ee01960089f28ea1b501690df5fc9f6318a70242
public static class SortDefinitionExtensions

The SortDefinitionExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAscendingTDocument(SortDefinitionTDocument, FieldDefinitionTDocument)
Combines an existing sort with an ascending field.
Public methodStatic memberAscendingTDocument(SortDefinitionTDocument, ExpressionFuncTDocument, Object)
Combines an existing sort with an ascending field.
Public methodStatic memberDescendingTDocument(SortDefinitionTDocument, FieldDefinitionTDocument)
Combines an existing sort with an descending field.
Public methodStatic memberDescendingTDocument(SortDefinitionTDocument, ExpressionFuncTDocument, Object)
Combines an existing sort with an descending field.
Public methodStatic memberMetaTextScoreTDocument
Combines an existing sort with a descending sort on the computed relevance score of a text search. The field name should be the name of the projected relevance score field.
See Also