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Int64JsonToken Properties

The Int64JsonToken type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDateTimeValue
Gets the value of a DateTime token.
(Inherited from JsonToken.)
Public propertyDoubleValue
Gets the value of a Double token.
(Overrides JsonTokenDoubleValue.)
Public propertyInt32Value
Gets the value of an Int32 token.
(Overrides JsonTokenInt32Value.)
Public propertyInt64Value
Gets the value of an Int64 token.
(Overrides JsonTokenInt64Value.)
Public propertyIsNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this token is number.
(Overrides JsonTokenIsNumber.)
Public propertyLexeme
Gets the lexeme.
(Inherited from JsonToken.)
Public propertyObjectIdValue
Gets the value of an ObjectId token.
(Inherited from JsonToken.)
Public propertyRegularExpressionValue
Gets the value of a regular expression token.
(Inherited from JsonToken.)
Public propertyStringValue
Gets the value of a string token.
(Inherited from JsonToken.)
Public propertyType
Gets the token type.
(Inherited from JsonToken.)
See Also