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JsonOutputMode Enumeration

Represents the output mode of a JsonWriter.

Namespace:  MongoDB.Bson.IO
Assembly:  MongoDB.Bson (in MongoDB.Bson.dll) Version: 2.22.0+75246110ed1247226fcc7f8eb2c54ffab745693e
public enum JsonOutputMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Strict0 Obsolete. Output strict JSON (an obsolete output mode that is similar to canonical extended JSON).
Shell1 Use a format that can be pasted in to the MongoDB shell.
CanonicalExtendedJson2 Output canonical extended JSON.
RelaxedExtendedJson3 Output relaxed extended JSON.
JavaScript1 Obsolete. Use JavaScript data types for some values.
TenGen1 Obsolete. Use JavaScript and MongoDB data types for some values.
See Also