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AggregateFluentBaseTResult Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver (in MongoDB.Driver.dll) Version: 2.22.0+75246110ed1247226fcc7f8eb2c54ffab745693e
public abstract class AggregateFluentBase<TResult> : IOrderedAggregateFluent<TResult>, 
	IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IAsyncCursorSource<TResult>

Type Parameters

The type of the document.

The AggregateFluentBaseTResult type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAggregateFluentBaseTResult
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateFluentBaseTResult class
Public propertyDatabase
Gets the database.
Public propertyOptions
Gets the options.
Public propertyStages
Gets the stages.
Public methodAppendStageTNewResult
Appends the stage to the pipeline.
Public methodAsTNewResult
Changes the result type of the pipeline.
Public methodBucketTValue(AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TValue, IEnumerableTValue, AggregateBucketOptionsTValue)
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
Public methodBucketTValue, TNewResult(AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TValue, IEnumerableTValue, ProjectionDefinitionTResult, TNewResult, AggregateBucketOptionsTValue)
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline with a custom projection.
Public methodBucketAutoTValue(AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TValue, Int32, AggregateBucketAutoOptions)
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
Public methodBucketAutoTValue, TNewResult(AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TValue, Int32, ProjectionDefinitionTResult, TNewResult, AggregateBucketAutoOptions)
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline with a custom projection.
Public methodChangeStream
Appends a $changeStream stage to the pipeline. Normally you would prefer to use the Watch method of IMongoCollectionTDocument. Only use this method if subsequent stages project away the resume token (the _id) or you don't want the resulting cursor to automatically resume.
Public methodCount
Appends a count stage to the pipeline.
Public methodDensify(FieldDefinitionTResult, DensifyRange, FieldDefinitionTResult)
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
Public methodDensify(FieldDefinitionTResult, DensifyRange, IEnumerableFieldDefinitionTResult)
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFacetTNewResult
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGraphLookupTFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
Public methodGroupTNewResult
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
Public methodLimit
Appends a limit stage to the pipeline.
Public methodLookupTForeignDocument, TNewResult(String, FieldDefinitionTResult, FieldDefinitionTForeignDocument, FieldDefinitionTNewResult, AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TNewResult)
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
Public methodLookupTForeignDocument, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult(IMongoCollectionTForeignDocument, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinitionTForeignDocument, TAsElement, FieldDefinitionTNewResult, TAs, AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TNewResult)
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
Public methodMatch
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMergeTOutput
Appends a merge stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Public methodMergeAsyncTOutput
Appends a merge stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Public methodOfTypeTNewResult
Appends a match stage to the pipeline that matches derived documents and changes the result type to the derived type.
Public methodOut(String, CancellationToken)
Appends an out stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Public methodOut(IMongoCollectionTResult, CancellationToken)
Appends an out stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Public methodOutAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Appends an out stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Public methodOutAsync(IMongoCollectionTResult, CancellationToken)
Appends an out stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Public methodProjectTNewResult
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
Public methodReplaceRootTNewResult
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
Public methodReplaceWithTNewResult
Appends a $replaceWith stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSearch(SearchDefinitionTResult, SearchOptionsTResult)
Appends a $search stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSearch(SearchDefinitionTResult, SearchHighlightOptionsTResult, String, SearchCountOptions, Boolean, Boolean)
Appends a $search stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSearchMeta
Appends a $searchMeta stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSet
Appends a $set stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSetWindowFieldsTWindowFields(AggregateExpressionDefinitionISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields)
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
Public methodSetWindowFieldsTPartitionBy, TWindowFields(AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TPartitionBy, AggregateExpressionDefinitionISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields)
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
Public methodSetWindowFieldsTPartitionBy, TWindowFields(AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TPartitionBy, SortDefinitionTResult, AggregateExpressionDefinitionISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields)
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
Public methodSkip
Appends a skip stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSort
Appends a sort stage to the pipeline.
Public methodSortByCountTId
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
Public methodThenBy
Combines the current sort definition with an additional sort definition.
Public methodToCollection
Executes an aggregation pipeline that writes the results to a collection.
Public methodToCollectionAsync
Executes an aggregation pipeline that writes the results to a collection.
Public methodToCursor
Executes the operation and returns a cursor to the results.
Public methodToCursorAsync
Executes the operation and returns a cursor to the results.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnionWithTWith
Appends an $unionWith stage to the pipeline.
Public methodUnwindTNewResult(FieldDefinitionTResult, IBsonSerializerTNewResult)
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
Public methodUnwindTNewResult(FieldDefinitionTResult, AggregateUnwindOptionsTNewResult)
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
Public methodVectorSearch
Appends a vector search stage.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAnyTResult
Determines whether the cursor returned by a cursor source contains any documents.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAnyAsyncTResult
Determines whether the cursor returned by a cursor source contains any documents.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBucketTResult, TValue(ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, IEnumerableTValue, AggregateBucketOptionsTValue)Overloaded.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBucketTResult, TValue, TNewResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, IEnumerableTValue, ExpressionFuncIGroupingTValue, TResult, TNewResult, AggregateBucketOptionsTValue)Overloaded.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBucketAutoTResult, TValue(ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, Int32, AggregateBucketAutoOptions)Overloaded.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBucketAutoTResult, TValue, TNewResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, Int32, ExpressionFuncIGroupingAggregateBucketAutoResultIdTValue, TResult, TNewResult, AggregateBucketAutoOptions)Overloaded.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline (this overload can only be used with LINQ3).
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBucketAutoForLinq2TResult, TValue, TNewResult
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline (this method can only be used with LINQ2).
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDensifyTResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, DensifyRange, IEnumerableExpressionFuncTResult, Object)Overloaded.
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDensifyTResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, DensifyRange, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object)Overloaded.
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFacetTResult(IEnumerableAggregateFacetTResult)Overloaded.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFacetTResult(AggregateFacetTResult)Overloaded.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFacetTResult, TNewResult(AggregateFacetTResult)Overloaded.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of a cursor returned by a cursor source.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of a cursor returned by a cursor source.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrDefaultTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrDefaultTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of a cursor returned by a cursor source, or a default value if the cursor contains no documents.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrDefaultAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrDefaultAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the first document of a cursor returned by a cursor source, or a default value if the cursor contains no documents.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodForEachAsyncTResult(FuncTResult, Task, CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodForEachAsyncTResult(FuncTResult, Int32, Task, CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodForEachAsyncTResult(ActionTResult, CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodForEachAsyncTResult(ActionTResult, Int32, CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGraphLookupTResult, TFrom(IMongoCollectionTFrom, FieldDefinitionTFrom, BsonValue, FieldDefinitionTFrom, BsonValue, AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, BsonValue, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, IEnumerableBsonDocument, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, Int32)Overloaded.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGraphLookupTResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAs, TNewResult(IMongoCollectionTFrom, FieldDefinitionTFrom, TConnectFrom, FieldDefinitionTFrom, TConnectTo, AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TStartWith, FieldDefinitionTNewResult, TAs, AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TFrom, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGraphLookupTResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAs, TNewResult(IMongoCollectionTFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectTo, ExpressionFuncTResult, TStartWith, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, TAs, AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TFrom, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGraphLookupTResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult(IMongoCollectionTFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectTo, ExpressionFuncTResult, TStartWith, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, TAs, ExpressionFuncTAsElement, Int32, AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TAsElement, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGroupTResult(ProjectionDefinitionTResult, BsonDocument)Overloaded.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGroupTResult, TKey, TNewResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, TKey, ExpressionFuncIGroupingTKey, TResult, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLookupTResult(String, FieldDefinitionTResult, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument)Overloaded.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLookupTResult(IMongoCollectionBsonDocument, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinitionBsonDocument, BsonDocument, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, IEnumerableBsonDocument)Overloaded.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLookupTResult, TForeignDocument, TNewResult(IMongoCollectionTForeignDocument, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, ExpressionFuncTForeignDocument, Object, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, Object, AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLookupTResult, TForeignDocument, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult(IMongoCollectionTForeignDocument, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinitionTForeignDocument, TAsElement, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, TAs, AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMatchTResult
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodProjectTResult(ProjectionDefinitionTResult, BsonDocument)Overloaded.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodProjectTResult, TNewResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, TNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodReplaceRootTResult, TNewResult
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodReplaceWithTResult, TNewResult
Appends a $replaceWith stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetTResult, TFields
Appends a $set stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetWindowFieldsTResult, TWindowFields(ExpressionFuncISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields)Overloaded.
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetWindowFieldsTResult, TPartitionBy, TWindowFields(ExpressionFuncTResult, TPartitionBy, ExpressionFuncISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields)Overloaded.
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetWindowFieldsTResult, TPartitionBy, TWindowFields(ExpressionFuncTResult, TPartitionBy, SortDefinitionTResult, ExpressionFuncISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields)Overloaded.
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of a cursor returned by a cursor source. This method throws an exception if the cursor does not contain exactly one document.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of a cursor returned by a cursor source. This method throws an exception if the cursor does not contain exactly one document.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleOrDefaultTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleOrDefaultTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of a cursor returned by a cursor source, or a default value if the cursor contains no documents. This method throws an exception if the cursor contains more than one document.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleOrDefaultAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSingleOrDefaultAsyncTResult(CancellationToken)Overloaded.
Returns the only document of a cursor returned by a cursor source, or a default value if the cursor contains no documents. This method throws an exception if the cursor contains more than one document.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSortByTResult
Appends an ascending sort stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSortByCountTResult, TKey
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSortByDescendingTResult
Appends a descending sort stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodThenByTResult
Modifies the current sort stage by appending an ascending field specification to it.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodThenByDescendingTResult
Modifies the current sort stage by appending a descending field specification to it.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBson
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToBsonDocument
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToEnumerableTResult
Wraps a cursor source in an IEnumerable. Each time GetEnumerator is called a new cursor is fetched from the cursor source.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToJson
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToListTResult
Returns a list containing all the documents returned by the cursor returned by a cursor source.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToListAsyncTResult
Returns a list containing all the documents returned by the cursor returned by a cursor source.
(Defined by IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUnwindTResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, Object)Overloaded.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUnwindTResult(FieldDefinitionTResult)Overloaded.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUnwindTResult, TNewResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, IBsonSerializerTNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUnwindTResult, TNewResult(ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, AggregateUnwindOptionsTNewResult)Overloaded.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVectorSearchTResult
Appends a $vectorSearch stage.
(Defined by IAggregateFluentExtensions.)
See Also