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BsonDocumentProjectionDefinitionTSource Class

A BsonDocument based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver (in MongoDB.Driver.dll) Version: 2.22.0+75246110ed1247226fcc7f8eb2c54ffab745693e
public sealed class BsonDocumentProjectionDefinition<TSource> : ProjectionDefinition<TSource>

Type Parameters

The type of the source.

The BsonDocumentProjectionDefinitionTSource type exposes the following members.

Public methodBsonDocumentProjectionDefinitionTSource
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentProjectionDefinitionTSource class.
Public propertyDocument
Gets the document.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRender(IBsonSerializerTSource, IBsonSerializerRegistry) (Inherited from ProjectionDefinitionTSource.)
Public methodRender(IBsonSerializerTSource, IBsonSerializerRegistry, LinqProvider) (Overrides ProjectionDefinitionTSourceRender(IBsonSerializerTSource, IBsonSerializerRegistry, LinqProvider).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodElemMatchTSource, TItem(ExpressionFuncTSource, IEnumerableTItem, FilterDefinitionTItem)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that filters the contents of an array.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodElemMatchTSource, TItem(ExpressionFuncTSource, IEnumerableTItem, ExpressionFuncTItem, Boolean)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that filters the contents of an array.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodElemMatchTSource, TItem(FieldDefinitionTSource, FilterDefinitionTItem)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that filters the contents of an array.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodExcludeTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Object)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that excludes a field.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodExcludeTSource(FieldDefinitionTSource)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that excludes a field.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIncludeTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Object)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that includes a field.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIncludeTSource(FieldDefinitionTSource)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that includes a field.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMetaTSource
Combines an existing projection with a meta projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMetaSearchHighlightsTSource
Combines an existing projection with a search highlights projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMetaSearchScoreTSource
Combines an existing projection with a search score projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMetaSearchScoreDetailsTSource
Combines an existing projection with a search score details projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMetaTextScoreTSource
Combines an existing projection with a text score projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSearchMetaTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Object)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a search metadata projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSearchMetaTSource(FieldDefinitionTSource)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with a search metadata projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSliceTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Object, Int32)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with an array slice projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSliceTSource(FieldDefinitionTSource, Int32)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with an array slice projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSliceTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Object, Int32, Int32)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with an array slice projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSliceTSource(FieldDefinitionTSource, Int32, Int32)Overloaded.
Combines an existing projection with an array slice projection.
(Defined by ProjectionDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBson
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToBsonDocument
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToJson
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
See Also