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QueryTDocument Class

Aids in building mongo queries based on type information.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver.Builders
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver.Legacy (in MongoDB.Driver.Legacy.dll) Version: 2.22.0+75246110ed1247226fcc7f8eb2c54ffab745693e
public static class Query<TDocument>

Type Parameters

The type of the document.

The QueryTDocument type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAllTValue
Tests that the named array element contains all of the values (see $all).
Public methodStatic memberBitsAllClear
Tests that the value of the named element has all of the specified bits clear.
Public methodStatic memberBitsAllSet
Tests that the value of the named element has all of the specified bits set.
Public methodStatic memberBitsAnyClear
Tests that the value of the named element has any of the specified bits clear.
Public methodStatic memberBitsAnySet
Tests that the value of the named element has any of the specified bits set.
Public methodStatic memberElemMatchTValue
Tests that at least one item of the named array element matches a query (see $elemMatch).
Public methodStatic memberEQTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, TValue)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is equal to some value.
Public methodStatic memberEQTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, TMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is equal to some value.
Public methodStatic memberExistsTMember
Tests that an element of that name does or does not exist (see $exists).
Public methodStatic memberGeoIntersectsTMember, TCoordinates
Tests that a location element specified by name intersects with the geometry (see $geoIntersects).
Public methodStatic memberGTTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, TValue)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is greater than some value (see $lt).
Public methodStatic memberGTTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, TMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is greater than some value (see $gt).
Public methodStatic memberGTETValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, TValue)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is greater than or equal to some value (see $gte).
Public methodStatic memberGTETMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, TMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is greater than or equal to some value (see $gte).
Public methodStatic memberInTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, IEnumerableTValue)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element are equal to one of a list of values (see $in).
Public methodStatic memberInTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, IEnumerableTMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is equal to one of a list of values (see $in).
Public methodStatic memberLTTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, TValue)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is less than some value (see $lt).
Public methodStatic memberLTTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, TMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is less than some value (see $lt).
Public methodStatic memberLTETValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, TValue)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is less than or equal to some value (see $lte).
Public methodStatic memberLTETMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, TMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is less than or equal to some value (see $lte).
Public methodStatic memberMatches(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableString, BsonRegularExpression)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element matches a regular expression (see $regex).
Public methodStatic memberMatches(ExpressionFuncTDocument, String, BsonRegularExpression)
Tests that the value of the named element matches a regular expression (see $regex).
Public methodStatic memberMod(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableInt32, Int64, Int64)
Tests that the any of the values in the named array element match some value (see $mod).
Public methodStatic memberMod(ExpressionFuncTDocument, Int32, Int64, Int64)
Tests that the modulus of the value of the named element matches some value (see $mod).
Public methodStatic memberNETValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, TValue)
Tests that none of the values in the named array element is equal to some value (see $ne).
Public methodStatic memberNETMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, TMember)
Tests that an element does not equal the value (see $ne).
Public methodStatic memberNearTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, Double, Double)
Tests that the value of the named element is near some location (see $near).
Public methodStatic memberNearTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, Double, Double, Double)
Tests that the value of the named element is near some location (see $near).
Public methodStatic memberNearTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, Double, Double, Double, Boolean)
Tests that the value of the named element is near some location (see $near).
Public methodStatic memberNearTMember, TCoordinates(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, GeoJsonPointTCoordinates)
Tests that the value of the named element is near a point (see $near).
Public methodStatic memberNearTMember, TCoordinates(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, GeoJsonPointTCoordinates, Double)
Tests that the value of the named element is near some location (see $near).
Public methodStatic memberNearTMember, TCoordinates(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, GeoJsonPointTCoordinates, Double, Boolean)
Tests that the value of the named element is near some location (see $near).
Public methodStatic memberNotExistsTMember
Tests that an element of that name does not exist (see $exists).
Public methodStatic memberNotInTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, IEnumerableTValue)
Tests that the none of the values of the named array element is equal to any item in a list of values (see $nin).
Public methodStatic memberNotInTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, IEnumerableTMember)
Tests that the value of the named element is not equal to any item in a list of values (see $nin).
Public methodStatic memberSizeTValue
Tests that the size of the named array is equal to some value (see $size).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, BsonType)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, String)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, BsonType)
Tests that the type of the named element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, String)
Tests that the type of the named element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberWhere
Builds a query from an expression.
Public methodStatic memberWithinTMember, TCoordinates
Tests that the value of the named element is within the specified geometry (see $within).
Public methodStatic memberWithinCircleTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, Double, Double, Double)
Tests that the value of the named element is within a circle (see $within and $center).
Public methodStatic memberWithinCircleTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, Double, Double, Double, Boolean)
Tests that the value of the named element is within a circle (see $within and $center).
Public methodStatic memberWithinPolygonTMember
Tests that the value of the named element is within a polygon (see $within and $polygon).
Public methodStatic memberWithinRectangleTMember
Tests that the value of the named element is within a rectangle (see $within and $box).
See Also