Class MongoGridFS
Represents a GridFS file system.
public class MongoGridFS
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- MongoGridFS(MongoDatabase)
Initializes a new instance of the MongoGridFS class.
- MongoGridFS(MongoDatabase, MongoGridFSSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the MongoGridFS class.
- MongoGridFS(MongoServer, string, MongoGridFSSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the MongoGridFS class.
- Chunks
Gets the chunks collection.
- Database
Gets the database containing the GridFS collections.
- DatabaseName
Gets the database containing the GridFS collections.
- Files
Gets the files collection.
- Server
Gets the server containing the GridFS collections.
- Settings
Gets the GridFS settings.
- AppendText(string)
Appends UTF-8 encoded text to an existing GridFS file.
- CopyTo(string, string)
Copies a GridFS file.
- CopyTo(string, string, MongoGridFSCreateOptions)
Copies a GridFS file.
- Create(string)
Creates or overwrites a GridFS file.
- Create(string, MongoGridFSCreateOptions)
Creates or overwrites a GridFS file.
- CreateText(string)
Creates or opens a GridFS file for writing UTF-8 encoded text.
- CreateText(string, MongoGridFSCreateOptions)
Creates or opens a GridFS file for writing UTF-8 encoded text.
- Delete(IMongoQuery)
Deletes GridFS files.
- Delete(string)
Deletes all versions of a GridFS file.
- DeleteById(BsonValue)
Deletes a GridFS file.
- Download(Stream, MongoGridFSFileInfo)
Downloads a GridFS file.
- Download(Stream, IMongoQuery)
Downloads the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- Download(Stream, IMongoQuery, int)
Downloads a specific version of a GridFS file.
- Download(Stream, string)
Downloads the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- Download(Stream, string, int)
Downloads a specific version of a GridFS file.
- Download(string)
Downloads the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- Download(string, MongoGridFSFileInfo)
Downloads a GridFS file.
- Download(string, IMongoQuery)
Downloads the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- Download(string, IMongoQuery, int)
Downloads a specific version of a GridFS file.
- Download(string, int)
Downloads a specific version of a GridFS file.
- Download(string, string)
Downloads the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- Download(string, string, int)
Downloads a specific version of a GridFS file.
- EnsureIndexes()
Ensures that the proper indexes for GridFS exist (only creates the new indexes if there are fewer than 1000 GridFS files).
- EnsureIndexes(int)
Ensures that the proper indexes for GridFS exist.
- Exists(IMongoQuery)
Tests whether a GridFS file exists.
- Exists(string)
Tests whether a GridFS file exists.
- ExistsById(BsonValue)
Tests whether a GridFS file exists.
- Find(IMongoQuery)
Finds matching GridFS files.
- Find(string)
Finds matching GridFS files.
- FindAll()
Finds all GridFS files.
- FindOne(IMongoQuery)
Finds the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- FindOne(IMongoQuery, int)
Finds a specific version of a GridFS file.
- FindOne(string)
Finds the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- FindOne(string, int)
Finds a specific version of a GridFS file.
- FindOneById(BsonValue)
Finds a GridFS file.
- MoveTo(string, string)
Moves the most recent version of a GridFS file.
- Open(string, FileMode)
Opens a GridFS file with the specified mode.
- Open(string, FileMode, FileAccess)
Opens a GridFS file with the specified mode and access.
- Open(string, FileMode, FileAccess, MongoGridFSCreateOptions)
Opens a GridFS file with the specified mode, access and create options.
- OpenRead(string)
Opens an existing GridFS file for reading.
- OpenText(string)
Opens an existing UTF-8 encoded text GridFS file for reading.
- OpenWrite(string)
Opens an existing GridFS file for writing.
- OpenWrite(string, MongoGridFSCreateOptions)
Opens an existing GridFS file for writing.
- SetAliases(MongoGridFSFileInfo, string[])
Sets the aliases for an existing GridFS file.
- SetContentType(MongoGridFSFileInfo, string)
Sets the content type for an existing GridFS file.
- SetMetadata(MongoGridFSFileInfo, BsonValue)
Sets the metadata for an existing GridFS file.
- Upload(Stream, string)
Uploads a GridFS file.
- Upload(Stream, string, MongoGridFSCreateOptions)
Uploads a GridFS file.
- Upload(string)
Uploads a GridFS file.
- Upload(string, string)
Uploads a GridFS file.