Class BsonDocument
Represents a BSON document.
public class BsonDocument : BsonValue, IComparable<BsonValue>, IConvertible, IEquatable<BsonValue>, IComparable<BsonDocument>, IConvertibleToBsonDocument, IEnumerable<BsonElement>, IEnumerable, IEquatable<BsonDocument>
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- BsonDocument()
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class.
- BsonDocument(BsonElement)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds one element.
- BsonDocument(params BsonElement[])
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds one or more elements.
- BsonDocument(bool)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class specifying whether duplicate element names are allowed (allowing duplicate element names is not recommended).
- BsonDocument(Dictionary<string, object>)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- BsonDocument(Dictionary<string, object>, IEnumerable<string>)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- BsonDocument(IDictionary<string, object>, IEnumerable<string>)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- BsonDocument(IEnumerable<BsonElement>)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a list of elements.
- BsonDocument(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- BsonDocument(IDictionary)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- BsonDocument(IDictionary, IEnumerable)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- BsonDocument(string, BsonValue)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and creates and adds a new element.
- AllowDuplicateNames
Gets or sets whether to allow duplicate names (allowing duplicate names is not recommended).
- BsonType
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
- ElementCount
Gets the number of elements.
- Elements
Gets the elements.
- this[int]
Gets or sets a value by position.
- this[string]
Gets or sets a value by name.
- this[string, BsonValue]
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
- Names
Gets the element names.
- RawValues
Gets the raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
- Values
Gets the values.
- Add(BsonElement)
Adds an element to the document.
- Add(params BsonElement[])
Adds a list of elements to the document.
- Add(Dictionary<string, object>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Add(Dictionary<string, object>, IEnumerable<string>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Add(IDictionary<string, object>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Add(IDictionary<string, object>, IEnumerable<string>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Add(IEnumerable<BsonElement>)
Adds a list of elements to the document.
- Add(IDictionary)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Add(IDictionary, IEnumerable)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Add(string, BsonValue)
Creates and adds an element to the document.
- Add(string, BsonValue, bool)
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
- Add(string, Func<BsonValue>, bool)
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true. If the condition is false the value factory is not called at all.
- AddRange(Dictionary<string, object>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<BsonElement>)
Adds a list of elements to the document.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- AddRange(IDictionary)
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Clear()
Clears the document (removes all elements).
- Clone()
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
- CompareTo(BsonDocument)
Compares this document to another document.
- CompareTo(BsonValue)
Compares the BsonDocument to another BsonValue.
- Contains(string)
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified name.
- ContainsValue(BsonValue)
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified value.
- Create(object)
Creates a new BsonDocument by mapping an object to a BsonDocument.
- DeepClone()
Creates a deep clone of the document (see also Clone).
- Equals(BsonDocument)
Compares this document to another document.
- Equals(object)
Compares this BsonDocument to another object.
- GetElement(int)
Gets an element of this document.
- GetElement(string)
Gets an element of this document.
- GetEnumerator()
Gets an enumerator that can be used to enumerate the elements of this document.
- GetHashCode()
Gets the hash code.
- GetValue(int)
Gets the value of an element.
- GetValue(string)
Gets the value of an element.
- GetValue(string, BsonValue)
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
- IndexOfName(string)
Gets the index of an element.
- InsertAt(int, BsonElement)
Inserts a new element at a specified position.
- Merge(BsonDocument)
Merges another document into this one. Existing elements are not overwritten.
- Merge(BsonDocument, bool)
Merges another document into this one, specifying whether existing elements are overwritten.
- Parse(string)
Parses a JSON string and returns a BsonDocument.
- Remove(string)
Removes an element from this document (if duplicate element names are allowed then all elements with this name will be removed).
- RemoveAt(int)
Removes an element from this document.
- RemoveElement(BsonElement)
Removes an element from this document.
- Set(int, BsonValue)
Sets the value of an element.
- Set(string, BsonValue)
Sets the value of an element (an element will be added if no element with this name is found).
- SetElement(BsonElement)
Sets an element of the document (replaces any existing element with the same name or adds a new element if an element with the same name is not found).
- SetElement(int, BsonElement)
Sets an element of the document (replacing the existing element at that position).
- ToDictionary()
Converts the BsonDocument to a Dictionary<string, object>.
- ToHashtable()
Converts the BsonDocument to a Hashtable.
- ToString()
Returns a string representation of the document.
- TryGetElement(string, out BsonElement)
Tries to get an element of this document.
- TryGetValue(string, out BsonValue)
Tries to get the value of an element of this document.
- TryParse(string, out BsonDocument)
Tries to parse a JSON string and returns a value indicating whether it succeeded or failed.
- operator ==(BsonDocument, BsonDocument)
Compares two BsonDocument values.
- operator !=(BsonDocument, BsonDocument)
Compares two BsonDocument values.