Class MongoGridFSStream
Represents a stream interface to a GridFS file (patterned after .NET's Stream class).
public class MongoGridFSStream : Stream, IDisposable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- MongoGridFSStream(MongoGridFSFileInfo, FileMode)
Initializes a new instance of the MongoGridFSStream class.
- MongoGridFSStream(MongoGridFSFileInfo, FileMode, FileAccess)
Initializes a new instance of the MongoGridFSStream class.
- CanRead
Gets whether the GridFS stream supports reading.
- CanSeek
Gets whether the GridFS stream supports seeking.
- CanWrite
Gets whether the GridFS stream supports writing.
- Length
Gets the current length (use SetLength to change the length).
- Position
Gets or sets the current position.
- UpdateMD5
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to compute and update the MD5 hash for the file when the stream is closed.
- Dispose(bool)
Disposes of any resources used by the stream.
- Flush()
Flushes any unsaved data in the buffers to the GridFS file.
- Read(byte[], int, int)
Reads bytes from the GridFS stream.
- ReadByte()
Reads one byte from the GridFS stream.
- Seek(long, SeekOrigin)
Seeks to a new position.
- SetLength(long)
Sets the length of the GridFS file.
- Write(byte[], int, int)
Writes bytes to the GridFS stream.
- WriteByte(byte)
Writes one byte to the GridFS stream.