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IndexOptions<TDocument> Methods

The IndexOptions< TDocument> generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberSetBackground
Sets whether to build the index in the background.
Public methodStatic memberSetBits
Sets the location precision bits.
Public methodStatic memberSetBucketSize
Sets the bucket size for geospatial haystack indexes.
Public methodStatic memberSetDropDups
Sets whether duplicates should be dropped.
Public methodStatic memberSetGeoSpatialRange
Sets the geospatial range.
Public methodStatic memberSetName
Sets the name of the index.
Public methodStatic memberSetPartialFilterExpression
Sets the partial filter expression.
Public methodStatic memberSetSparse
Sets whether the index is a sparse index.
Public methodStatic memberSetStorageEngineOptions
Sets the storage engine options.
Public methodStatic memberSetTextDefaultLanguage
Sets the default language for the text index.
Public methodStatic memberSetTextLanguageOverride
Specifies a member expression for the field name containing the language for the text index.
Public methodStatic memberSetTimeToLive
Sets the time to live value.
Public methodStatic memberSetUnique
Sets whether the index enforces unique values.
Public methodStatic memberSetWeight<TMember>
Sets the weight of a field for the text index.
See Also