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MongoDB.Bson.Serialization Namespace

The MongoDB.Bson.Serialization namespace contains the types used in the serialization and deserialization of BSON data. It also contains the base interfaces to be implemented by the actual serializers.
Public classAttributedSerializationProvider
Provides serializers based on an attribute.
Public classBsonClassMap
Represents a mapping between a class and a BSON document.
Public classBsonClassMap<TClass>
Represents a mapping between a class and a BSON document.
Public classBsonClassMapSerializer<TClass>
Represents a serializer for a class map.
Public classBsonCreatorMap
Represents a mapping to a delegate and its arguments.
Public classBsonDeserializationContext
Represents all the contextual information needed by a serializer to deserialize a value.
Public classBsonDeserializationContext.Builder
Represents a builder for a BsonDeserializationContext.
Public classBsonDocumentBackedClass
A class backed by a BsonDocument.
Public classBsonDocumentBackedClassSerializer<TClass>
Represents a serializer for TClass (a subclass of BsonDocumentBackedClass).
Public classBsonMemberMap
Represents the mapping between a field or property and a BSON element.
Public classBsonMemberMapAttributeUsageAttribute
Indicates the usage restrictions for the attribute.
Public classBsonObjectModelSerializationProvider
Provides serializers for BsonValue and its derivations.
Public classBsonSerializationContext
Represents all the contextual information needed by a serializer to serialize a value.
Public classBsonSerializationContext.Builder
Represents a builder for a BsonSerializationContext.
Public classBsonSerializationInfo
Represents the information needed to serialize a member.
Public classBsonSerializationProviderBase
Base class for serialization providers.
Public classBsonSerializer
A static class that represents the BSON serialization functionality.
Public classBsonSerializerRegistry
Default, global implementation of an IBsonSerializerRegistry.
Public classCollectionsSerializationProvider
Provides serializers for collections.
Public classCreatorMapDelegateCompiler
A helper class used to create and compile delegates for creator maps.
Public classDiscriminatedInterfaceSerializationProvider
Provides a serializer for interfaces.
Public classExpressionVisitor
An abstract base class for an Expression visitor.
Public classIBsonSerializerExtensions
Extensions methods for IBsonSerializer.
Public classPrimitiveSerializationProvider
Provides serializers for primitive types.
Public classTypeMappingSerializationProvider
Represents a serialization provider based on a mapping from value types to serializer types.
Public classTypeNameDiscriminator
Supports using type names as discriminators.
Public structureBsonDeserializationArgs
Represents args common to all serializers.
Public structureBsonSerializationArgs
Represents args common to all serializers.
Public interfaceIBsonArraySerializer
Contract for serializers to implement if they serialize an array of items.
Public interfaceIBsonClassMapAttribute
Represents an attribute used to modify a class map.
Public interfaceIBsonCreatorMapAttribute
Represents an attribute used to modify a creator map.
Public interfaceIBsonDictionarySerializer
Represents a dictionary serializer that can be used in LINQ queries.
Public interfaceIBsonDocumentSerializer
Contract for composite serializers that contain a number of named serializers.
Public interfaceIBsonIdProvider
Contract for serializers that can get and set Id values.
Public interfaceIBsonMemberMapAttribute
Represents an attribute used to modify a member map.
Public interfaceIBsonPolymorphicSerializer
An interface implemented by a polymorphic serializer.
Public interfaceIBsonPostProcessingAttribute
Represents an attribute used to post process a class map.
Public interfaceIBsonSerializationProvider
An interface implemented by serialization providers.
Public interfaceIBsonSerializer
An interface implemented by a serializer.
Public interfaceIBsonSerializer<TValue>
An interface implemented by a serializer for values of type TValue.
Public interfaceIBsonSerializerRegistry
A serializer registry.
Public interfaceIChildSerializerConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a child serializer that configuration attributes can be forwarded to.
Public interfaceIDictionaryRepresentationConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a DictionaryRepresentation property.
Public interfaceIDictionaryRepresentationConfigurable<TSerializer>
Represents a serializer that has a DictionaryRepresentation property.
Public interfaceIIdGenerator
An interface implemented by Id generators.
Public interfaceIRegistryAwareBsonSerializationProvider
An interface implemented by serialization providers that are aware of registries.
Public interfaceIRepresentationConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a Representation property.
Public interfaceIRepresentationConfigurable<TSerializer>
Represents a serializer that has a Representation property.
Public interfaceIRepresentationConverterConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a representation converter.
Public interfaceIRepresentationConverterConfigurable<TSerializer>
Represents a serializer that has a representation converter.