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BulkMixedWriteOperation Properties

The BulkMixedWriteOperation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBypassDocumentValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Public propertyCollectionNamespace
Gets the collection namespace.
Public propertyIsOrdered
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the writes must be performed in order.
Public propertyMaxBatchCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of documents in a batch.
Public propertyMaxBatchLength
Gets or sets the maximum length of a batch.
Public propertyMaxDocumentSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of a document.
Public propertyMaxWireDocumentSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of a wire document.
Public propertyMessageEncoderSettings
Gets the message encoder settings.
Public propertyRequests
Gets the requests.
Public propertyRetryRequested
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [retry requested].
Public propertyWriteConcern
Gets or sets the write concern.
See Also