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DateTimeSerializer Class

Represents a serializer for DateTimes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Serializers
Assembly:  MongoDB.Bson (in MongoDB.Bson.dll) Version: 2.9.0+32b058abcdf2c7e8d9dd3a676d207b31897eee2e
public class DateTimeSerializer : StructSerializerBase<DateTime>, 
	IRepresentationConfigurable<DateTimeSerializer>, IRepresentationConfigurable

The DateTimeSerializer type exposes the following members.

Public methodDateTimeSerializer
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSerializer class.
Public methodDateTimeSerializer(Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSerializer class.
Public methodDateTimeSerializer(DateTimeKind)
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSerializer class.
Public methodDateTimeSerializer(BsonType)
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSerializer class.
Public methodDateTimeSerializer(Boolean, BsonType)
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSerializer class.
Public methodDateTimeSerializer(DateTimeKind, BsonType)
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSerializer class.
Public propertyDateOnly
Gets whether this DateTime consists of a Date only.
Public propertyStatic memberDateOnlyInstance
Gets an instance of DateTimeSerializer with DateOnly=true.
Public propertyKind
Gets the DateTimeKind (Local, Unspecified or Utc).
Public propertyStatic memberLocalInstance
Gets an instance of DateTimeSerializer with Kind=Local.
Public propertyRepresentation
Gets the external representation.
Public propertyStatic memberUtcInstance
Gets an instance of DateTimeSerializer with Kind=Utc.
Public propertyValueType
Gets the type of the values.
(Inherited from SerializerBaseTValue.)
Protected methodCreateCannotBeDeserializedException
Creates an exception to throw when a type cannot be deserialized.
(Inherited from SerializerBaseTValue.)
Protected methodCreateCannotBeSerializedException
Creates an exception to throw when a type cannot be deserialized.
(Inherited from SerializerBaseTValue.)
Protected methodCreateCannotDeserializeFromBsonTypeException
Creates an exception to throw when a type cannot be deserialized from a BsonType.
(Inherited from SerializerBaseTValue.)
Public methodDeserialize
Deserializes a value.
(Overrides SerializerBaseTValueDeserialize(BsonDeserializationContext, BsonDeserializationArgs).)
Protected methodEnsureBsonTypeEquals
Ensures that the BsonType equals the expected type.
(Inherited from SerializerBaseTValue.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSerialize
Serializes a value.
(Overrides SerializerBaseTValueSerialize(BsonSerializationContext, BsonSerializationArgs, TValue).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWithDateOnly(Boolean)
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dateOnly value.
Public methodWithDateOnly(Boolean, BsonType)
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dateOnly value and representation.
Public methodWithKind(DateTimeKind)
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified DateTimeKind value.
Public methodWithKind(DateTimeKind, BsonType)
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified DateTimeKind value and representation.
Public methodWithRepresentation
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodToBson
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToBsonDocument
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToJson
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
See Also