ConnectionString Class |
Namespace: MongoDB.Driver.Core.Configuration
The ConnectionString type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ConnectionString |
Initializes a new instance of the ConnectionString class.
Name | Description | |
AllOptionNames |
Gets all the option names.
| |
AllUnknownOptionNames |
Gets all the unknown option names.
| |
ApplicationName |
Gets the application name.
| |
AuthMechanism |
Gets the auth mechanism.
| |
AuthMechanismProperties |
Gets the auth mechanism properties.
| |
AuthSource |
Gets the auth source.
| |
Compressors |
Gets the requested compressors.
| |
Connect |
Gets the connection mode.
| |
ConnectTimeout |
Gets the connect timeout.
| |
DatabaseName |
Gets the name of the database.
| |
FSync |
Gets the fsync value of the write concern.
| |
HeartbeatInterval |
Gets the heartbeat interval.
| |
HeartbeatTimeout |
Gets the heartbeat timeout.
| |
Hosts |
Gets the hosts.
| |
Ipv6 |
Gets whether to use IPv6.
| |
IsResolved |
Gets whether the connection string has been resolved. Always true when scheme is MongoDB.
| |
Journal |
Gets the journal value of the write concern.
| |
LocalThreshold |
Gets the local threshold.
| |
MaxIdleTime |
Gets the max idle time.
| |
MaxLifeTime |
Gets the max life time.
| |
MaxPoolSize |
Gets the max size of the connection pool.
| |
MaxStaleness |
Gets the max staleness.
| |
MinPoolSize |
Gets the min size of the connection pool.
| |
Password |
Gets the password.
| |
ReadConcernLevel |
Gets the read concern level.
| |
ReadPreference |
Gets the read preference.
| |
ReadPreferenceTags |
Gets the read preference tags.
| |
ReplicaSet |
Gets the replica set name.
| |
RetryReads |
Gets a value indicating whether or not to retry reads.
| |
RetryWrites |
Gets a value indicating whether or not to retry writes.
| |
Scheme |
Gets the connection string scheme.
| |
ServerSelectionTimeout |
Gets the server selection timeout.
| |
SocketTimeout |
Gets the socket timeout.
| |
Ssl | Obsolete.
Gets whether to use SSL.
| |
SslVerifyCertificate | Obsolete.
Gets whether to verify SSL certificates.
| |
Tls |
Gets whether to use TLS.
| |
TlsInsecure |
Gets whether to relax TLS constraints as much as possible.
| |
Username |
Gets the username.
| |
UuidRepresentation |
Gets the UUID representation.
| |
W |
Gets the w value of the write concern.
| |
WaitQueueMultiple |
Gets the wait queue multiple.
| |
WaitQueueSize |
Gets the wait queue size.
| |
WaitQueueTimeout |
Gets the wait queue timeout.
| |
WTimeout |
Gets the wtimeout value of the write concern.
Name | Description | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetOption |
Gets the option.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Resolve |
Resolves a connection string. If the connection string indicates more information is available
in the DNS system, it will acquire that information as well.
| |
Resolve(Boolean) |
Resolves a connection string. If the connection string indicates more information is available
in the DNS system, it will acquire that information as well.
| |
ResolveAsync(CancellationToken) |
Resolves a connection string. If the connection string indicates more information is available
in the DNS system, it will acquire that information as well.
| |
ResolveAsync(Boolean, CancellationToken) |
Resolves a connection string. If the connection string indicates more information is available
in the DNS system, it will acquire that information as well.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Overrides ObjectToString.) |
Name | Description | |
ToBson |
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.) | |
ToBsonDocument |
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.) | |
ToJson |
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.) |