Class RawBsonArray
Represents an immutable BSON array that is represented using only the raw bytes.
public class RawBsonArray : BsonArray, IComparable<BsonValue>, IConvertible, IEquatable<BsonValue>, IComparable<BsonArray>, IEquatable<BsonArray>, IList<BsonValue>, ICollection<BsonValue>, IEnumerable<BsonValue>, IEnumerable, IDisposable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- RawBsonArray(IByteBuffer)
Initializes a new instance of the RawBsonArray class.
- Capacity
Gets or sets the total number of elements the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
- Count
Gets the count of array elements.
- IsReadOnly
Gets whether the array is read-only.
- this[int]
Gets or sets a value by position.
- Slice
Gets the slice.
- Values
Gets the array elements.
- Add(BsonValue)
Adds an element to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<BsonValue>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<ObjectId>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<bool>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<DateTime>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<double>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<int>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<long>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable<string>)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- AddRange(IEnumerable)
Adds multiple elements to the array.
- Clear()
Clears the array.
- Clone()
Creates a shallow clone of the array (see also DeepClone).
- Contains(BsonValue)
Tests whether the array contains a value.
- CopyTo(BsonValue[], int)
Copies elements from this array to another array.
- DeepClone()
Creates a deep clone of the array (see also Clone).
- Dispose()
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
- Dispose(bool)
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
- GetEnumerator()
Gets an enumerator that can enumerate the elements of the array.
- IndexOf(BsonValue)
Gets the index of a value in the array.
- IndexOf(BsonValue, int)
Gets the index of a value in the array.
- IndexOf(BsonValue, int, int)
Gets the index of a value in the array.
- Insert(int, BsonValue)
Inserts a new value into the array.
- Materialize(BsonBinaryReaderSettings)
Materializes the RawBsonArray into a regular BsonArray.
- Remove(BsonValue)
Removes the first occurrence of a value from the array.
- RemoveAt(int)
Removes an element from the array.
- ThrowIfDisposed()
Throws if disposed.
- ToArray()
Converts the BsonArray to an array of BsonValues.
- ToList()
Converts the BsonArray to a list of BsonValues.
- ToString()
Returns a string representation of the array.