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Class TopologyVersion


Represents a topology description.

public sealed class TopologyVersion : IEquatable<TopologyVersion>, IConvertibleToBsonDocument
Inherited Members


Comparing topology descriptions freshness does not exhibit the reversal property of inequalities e.g. IsStalerThan(a, b) (a "<" b) does not imply !IsStalerThan(b, a) (b ">" a) See CompareTopologyVersion(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion) for more information.


TopologyVersion(ObjectId, long)

Initializes a new instance of the TopologyVersion class.



Gets the process identifier.


Gets the process identifier.


CompareTopologyVersion(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion)

Compares a local TopologyVersion with a server's TopologyVersion and indicates whether the local TopologyVersion is staler, fresher, or equal to the server's TopologyVersion. Per the SDAM specification, if the ProcessIds are not equal, this method assumes that y is more recent. This means that this method does not exhibit the reversal properties of inequalities i.e. a "<" b does not imply b ">" a.


Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


Attempts to create a TopologyVersion from the supplied BsonDocument.


Serves as the default hash function.

IsFresherThan(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion)

Gets whether or not x is fresher than y. Comparing topology descriptions freshness does not exhibit the reversal property of inequalities e.g. a.IsFresherThan(b) (a "<" b) does not imply !b.IsFresherThan(a) (b ">" a) See CompareTopologyVersion(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion) for more information. In the case that this.Equals(y), y will be considered to be fresher.

IsFresherThanOrEqualTo(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion)

Gets whether or not x is fresher than or Equal to y. Comparing topology descriptions freshness does not exhibit the reversal property of inequalities e.g. a.IsFresherThan(b) (a "<" b) does not imply !b.IsFresherThan(a) (b ">" a) See CompareTopologyVersion(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion) for more information. In the case that this.Equals(y), y will be considered to be fresher.

IsStalerThan(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion)

Gets whether or not x is staler than or Equal to y. Comparing topology descriptions freshness does not exhibit the reversal property of inequalities e.g. a.IsStalerThan(b) (a "<" b) does not imply !b.IsStalerThan(a) (b ">" a). See CompareTopologyVersion(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion) for more information. In the case that this == y, y will be considered to be fresher.

IsStalerThanOrEqualTo(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion)

Gets whether or not x is staler than or Equal to y. Comparing topology descriptions freshness does not exhibit the reversal property of inequalities e.g. a.IsStalerThan(b) (a "<" b) does not imply !b.IsStalerThan(a) (b ">" a). See CompareTopologyVersion(TopologyVersion, TopologyVersion) for more information. In the case that this == y, y will be considered to be fresher.


Converts this object to a BsonDocument.


Returns a string that represents the current object.