Class Feature
Represents a feature that is not supported by all versions of the server.
public class Feature
- Inheritance
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- Feature(string, int, int?, string)
Initializes a new instance of the Feature class.
- AggregateAccumulator
Gets the aggregate accumulator feature.
- AggregateFunction
Gets the aggregate $function stage feature.
- AggregateMerge
Gets the aggregate merge feature.
- AggregateOptionsLet
Gets the aggregate let feature.
- AggregateOutOnSecondary
Gets the aggregate out on secondary feature.
- AggregateOutTimeSeries
Gets the aggregate out to time series feature.
- AggregateOutToDifferentDatabase
Gets the aggregate out to a different database feature.
- AggregateToString
Gets the aggregate toString feature.
- AggregateUnionWith
Gets the aggregate unionWith feature.
- BitwiseOperators
Gets the bitwise operators feature.
- ChangeStreamAllChangesForCluster
Gets the change stream all changes for cluster feature.
- ChangeStreamForDatabase
Gets the change stream for database feature.
- ChangeStreamPostBatchResumeToken
Gets the change stream post batch resume token feature.
- ChangeStreamPrePostImages
Gets the change stream pre post images feature.
- ChangeStreamSplitEventStage
Gets the change stream splitEvent stage feature.
- ClientBulkWrite
Gets the client bulk write feature.
- ClientSideEncryption
Gets the client side encryption feature.
- ClusteredIndexes
Gets the clustered indexes feature.
- CreateIndexCommitQuorum
Gets the create index commit quorum feature.
- CreateIndexesUsingInsertOperations
Gets the create indexes using insert operations feature.
- Csfle2
Gets the client side field level encryption 2 feature.
- Csfle2QEv2
Gets the client side field level encryption 2 queryable encryption v2 feature.
- Csfle2QEv2RangeAlgorithm
Gets the csfle2 range algorithm feature.
- CsfleRangeAlgorithm
Gets the csfle range algorithm feature.
- DateFromStringFormatArgument
Gets the $dateFromString format argument feature.
- DateOperatorsNewIn50
Gets the date operators added in 5.0 feature.
- DensifyStage
Gets the aggregate $densify stage feature.
- DirectConnectionSetting
Gets the directConnection setting feature.
- DocumentsStage
Gets the documents stage feature.
- ElectionIdPriorityInSDAM
Gets the electionIdPriorityInSDAM feature.
- Eval
Gets the eval feature.
- FailPointsBlockConnection
Gets the fail points block connection feature.
- FailPointsFailCommand
Gets the fail points fail command feature.
- FailPointsFailCommandForSharded
Gets the fail points fail command for sharded feature.
- FilterLimit
Gets filter limit feature.
- FindAllowDiskUse
Gets the find allowDiskUse feature.
- FindProjectionExpressions
Gets the find projection expressions feature.
- GeoNearCommand
Gets the geoNear command feature.
- GetField
Gets the getField feature.
- GetMoreComment
Gets the getMore comment feature.
- GroupCommand
Gets the group command feature.
- HedgedReads
Gets the hedged reads feature.
- HiddenIndex
Gets the hidden index feature.
- HintForDeleteOperations
Gets the hint for delete operations feature.
- HintForFindAndModifyFeature
Gets the hint for find and modify operations feature.
- HintForUpdateAndReplaceOperations
Gets the hint for update and replace operations feature.
- KeepConnectionPoolWhenNotPrimaryConnectionException
Gets the keep connection pool when NotPrimary connection exception feature.
- KeepConnectionPoolWhenReplSetStepDown
Gets the keep connection pool when replSetStepDown feature.
- LegacyWireProtocol
Gets the legacy wire protocol feature.
- ListDatabasesAuthorizedDatabases
Get the list databases authorizedDatabases feature.
- LoadBalancedMode
Gets the load balanced mode feature.
- LookupConciseSyntax
Gets the lookup concise syntax feature.
- LookupDocuments
Gets the lookup documents feature.
- MmapV1StorageEngine
Gets the mmapv1 storage engine feature.
- Name
Gets the name of the feature.
- NotSupportedMessage
Gets the error message to be used by the feature support checks.
- PickAccumulatorsNewIn52
Gets the pick accumulators new in 5.2 feature.
- RegexMatch
Gets the regex match feature.
- Round
Gets the $round feature.
- ScramSha256Authentication
Gets the scram sha256 authentication feature.
- ServerReturnsResumableChangeStreamErrorLabel
Gets the server returns resumableChangeStream label feature.
- ServerReturnsRetryableWriteErrorLabel
Gets the server returns retryable writeError label feature.
- SetStage
Gets the $set stage feature.
- SetWindowFields
Gets the set window fields feature.
- SetWindowFieldsLocf
Gets the set window fields $locf feature.
- ShardedTransactions
Gets the sharded transactions feature.
- SnapshotReads
Gets the snapshot reads feature.
- SortArrayOperator
Gets the $sortArray operator feature.
- SpeculativeAuthentication
Gets the speculative authentication feature.
- StableApi
Gets the speculative authentication feature.
- StreamingHello
Gets the streaming hello feature.
- ToConversionOperators
Gets the $toXyz conversion operators feature ($toDouble etc.).
- Transactions
Gets the transactions feature.
- TrigOperators
Gets the trig operators feature.
- TrimOperator
Gets the trim operator feature.
- UpdateWithAggregationPipeline
Gets the update with aggregation pipeline feature.
- WildcardIndexes
Gets the wildcard indexes feature.
- ThrowIfNotSupported(IMongoClient, CancellationToken)
Throws an exception if the feature is not supported in the server used by the client.
- ThrowIfNotSupportedAsync(IMongoClient, CancellationToken)
Throws an exception if the feature is not supported in the server used by the client.
- ToString()
Returns a string that represents the current object.