MongoDB C++ Driver legacy-1.1.2
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cmongo::_BufBuilder< Allocator >
 Cmongo::_BufBuilder< StackAllocator >
 Cmongo::_BufBuilder< TrivialAllocator >
 Cmongo::logger::Appender< E >Interface for sinks in a logging system
 Cmongo::logger::LogDomain< E >::AppenderHandleOpaque handle returned by attachAppender(), which can be subsequently passed to detachAppender() to detach an appender from an instance of LogDomain
 Cmongo::AtomicIntrinsics< T, IsTLarge >Instantiation of AtomicIntrinsics<> for all word types T
 Cmongo::AtomicIntrinsics< T, typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(T)==sizeof(LONG)>::type >Instantiation of AtomicIntrinsics<> for 32-bit word sizes (i.e., unsigned)
 Cmongo::AtomicIntrinsics< T, typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(T)==sizeof(LONGLONG)>::type >Instantiation of AtomicIntrinsics<> for 64-bit word sizes
 Cmongo::AtomicWord< _WordType >Implementation of the AtomicWord interface in terms of the C++11 Atomics
 Cmongo::geo::BoundingBox< TCoordinates >Represents a bounding box
 Cmongo::BSONElementBSONElement represents an "element" in a BSONObj
 Cmongo::BSONField< T >
 Cmongo::BSONField< mongo::BSONArray >
 Cmongo::BSONField< mongo::BSONObj >
 Cmongo::BSONField< std::string >
 Cmongo::BSONFieldValue< T >A BSONField holds the name and the type intended for a given BSON element
 Cmongo::BSONIteratorSortedBase class implementing ordered iteration through BSONElements
 Cmongo::BSONObjC++ representation of a "BSON" object – that is, an extended JSON-style object in a binary representation
 Cmongo::BSONObjIteratorIterator for a BSONObj
 Cmongo::BSONSizeTrackerUsed in conjuction with BSONObjBuilder, allows for proper buffer size to prevent crazy memory usage
 Cmongo::BulkOperationBuilderClass for constructing and executing bulk operations against MongoDB via a fluent API
 Cmongo::BulkUpdateBuilderClass for constructing bulk write operations which have an applied filter
 Cmongo::BulkUpsertBuilderClass for constructing bulk write operations which have an applied filter and are to be performed as an upsert
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< T >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< double >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< float >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< int16_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< int32_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< int64_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< int8_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< uint16_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< uint32_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< uint64_t >
 Cmongo::endian::ByteOrderConverter< uint8_t >
 Cmongo::ConnectionStringConnectionString can parse MongoDB URIs with the following format:
 Cmongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable< K_L, K_S, V, H, E, C, C_LS >::const_iterator
 Cmongo::DBClientCursorBatchIteratorIterate over objects in current batch only - will not cause a network call
 Cmongo::DBClientCursorShimDBClientCursorShim provides an abstract interface for providing polymorphic cursors
 Cmongo::DBConnectorInterface that handles communication with the db
 Cmongo::DbResponseA response to a DbMessage
 Cmongo::EncodedValueStorage< Layout, ConstView, View >
 Cmongo::logger::Encoder< Event >Interface for objects that encode Events to std::ostreams
 Cmongo::logger::Encoder< MessageEventEphemeral >
 Cmongo::ErrorMsgHelper class that builds error strings
 Cmongo::FailPointA simple thread-safe fail point implementation that can be activated and deactivated, as well as embed temporary data into it
 Cmongo::FailPointRegistryClass for storing FailPoint instances
 Cmongo::geo::GeoObj< TCoordinates >
 Cmongo::GlobalInitializerRegistererType representing the act of registering a process-global intialization function
 Cmongo::client::GlobalInstanceAn RAII helper to simplify driver setup and teardown
 Cmongo::GridFileWrapper for a file stored in the Mongo database
 Cmongo::GridFileBuilderClass which allow to build GridFiles in a stream fashion way
 Cmongo::GridFSGridFS is for storing large file-style objects in MongoDB
 Chash< mongo::HostAndPort >
 Cmongo::BSONElement::HasherFunctor compatible with std::hash for std::unordered_{map,set} Warning: The hash function is subject to change
 Cmongo::BSONObj::HasherFunctor compatible with std::hash for std::unordered_{map,set} Warning: The hash function is subject to change
 Cmongo::OID::HasherFunctor compatible with std::hash for std::unordered_{map,set} Warning: The hash function is subject to change
 Cmongo::StringData::HasherFunctor compatible with std::hash for std::unordered_{map,set} Warning: The hash function is subject to change
 Cmongo::HostAndPortName of a process on the network
 Cmongo::InitializerClass representing an initialization process
 Cmongo::InitializerContextContext of an initialization process
 Cmongo::InitializerDependencyGraphRepresentation of a dependency graph of "initialization operations."
 Cmongo::endian::IntegralTypeMap< T >
 Cmongo::endian::IntegralTypeMap< char >
 Cmongo::endian::IntegralTypeMap< long long >
 Cmongo::endian::IntegralTypeMap< signed char >
 Cmongo::endian::IntegralTypeMap< unsigned char >
 Cmongo::endian::IntegralTypeMap< unsigned long long >
 Cmongo::details::InterlockedImpl64< T, HaveInterlocked64Ops >
 Cmongo::details::InterlockedImpl64< T, false >
 Cmongo::details::InterlockedImpl64< T, true >
 Cmongo::JParseParser class
 Cmongo::logger::LabeledLevelDeprecated utility for associating a string and log level together
 Cmongo::DBClientReplicaSet::LazyStateFor storing (non-threadsafe) information between lazy calls
 Cmongo::LexNumCmpFunctor for combining lexical and numeric comparisons
 Cmongo::StringData::LiteralTagConstructs a StringData explicitly, for the case of a literal whose size is known at compile time
 Cmongo::details::LoadStoreImpl< U, _IsTTooBig >
 Cmongo::logger::LogComponentLog components
 Cmongo::logger::LogComponentSettingsContains log severities for a list of log components
 Cmongo::logger::LogDomain< E >Logging domain for events of type E
 Cmongo::logger::LogManagerContainer for managing log domains
 Cmongo::logger::LogSeverityRepresentation of the severity / priority of a log message
 Cmongo::logger::LogstreamBuilderStream-ish object used to build and append log messages
 Cmongo::logger::MessageEventEphemeralFree form text log message object that does not own the storage behind its message and contextName
 Cmongo::DBClientWithCommands::MROutputThis implicitly converts from char*, string, and BSONObj to be an argument to mapreduce You shouldn't need to explicitly construct this
 Cmongo::OIDObject ID type
 Cmongo::client::OptionsThe Options structure is passed to mongo::client::initialize to configure various properties and configurations of the driver
 Cmongo::OrderingA precomputation of a BSON index or sort key pattern
 Cmongo::OwnedPointerVector< T >An std::vector wrapper that deletes pointers within a vector on destruction
 Cmongo::geo::Parser< TCoordinates >
 Cmongo::QueryRepresents a Mongo query expression
 Cmongo::QuerySpecRepresents a full query description, including all options required for the query to be passed on to other hosts
 Cmongo::ReplicaSetMonitor::RefresherRefreshes the local view of a replica set
 Cmongo::RefToValue< T >Transports a reference as a value Serves to implement the Colvin/Gibbons trick for SmartPtr/ScopeGuard
 Cmongo::ReplicaSetMonitorHolds state about a replica set and provides a means to refresh the local view
 Cmongo::SaslClientConversationAbstract class for implementing the clent-side of a SASL mechanism conversation
 Cmongo::SaslClientSessionBase class for the client side of a SASL authentication conversation
 Cmongo::ScopedFailPointHelper class for making sure that FailPoint::shouldFailCloseBlock is called when FailPoint::shouldFailOpenBlock was called
 Cmongo::SecureRandomMore secure random numbers Suitable for nonce/crypto Slower than PseudoRandom, so only use when really need
 Cmongo::SockAddrWrapped around os representation of network address
 Cmongo::SocketThin wrapped around file descriptor and system calls todo: ssl
 Cmongo::StatusStatus represents an error state or the absence thereof
 Cmongo::StatusWith< T >
 Cmongoutils::str::streamIdea here is to make one liners easy
 Cmongo::StringBuilderImpl< Allocator >Std::stringstream deals with locale so this is a lot faster than std::stringstream for UTF8
 Cmongo::StringDataA StringData object wraps a 'const string&' or a 'const char*' without copying its contents
 Cmongo::TagSetA simple object for representing the list of tags requested by a $readPreference
 Cmongo::ThreadLocalValue< T >
 Cmongo::TimerTime tracking object
 Cmongo::TSP< T >
 Cmongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable< K_L, K_S, V, H, E, C, C_LS >
 Cmongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable< StringData, std::string, V, StringMapDefaultHash, StringMapDefaultEqual, StringMapDefaultConvertor, StringMapDefaultConvertorOther >
 Cmongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable_LS_C< K_L, K_S >
 Cmongo::WriteConcernClass to encapsulate client side "Write Concern" concept
 Cmongo::WriteOperationRepresents a single server side write operation and encapsulates the process for encoding the operation into either a wire protocol request message or a command
 Cmongo::WriteResultClass representing the result of a write operations sent to the server