
class ListDatabasesFlow<T : Any>(wrapped: ListDatabasesPublisher<T>) : Flow<T>

Flow implementation for list database operations.



The type of the result.

See also


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constructor(wrapped: ListDatabasesPublisher<T>)


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fun authorizedDatabasesOnly(authorizedDatabasesOnly: Boolean?): ListDatabasesFlow<T>

Sets the authorizedDatabasesOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the databases which the user is authorized to see.

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fun batchSize(batchSize: Int): ListDatabasesFlow<T>

Sets the number of documents to return per batch.

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open suspend override fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>)
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fun comment(comment: BsonValue?): ListDatabasesFlow<T>

Sets the comment for this operation. A null value means no comment is set.

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fun filter(filter: Bson?): ListDatabasesFlow<T>

Sets the query filter to apply to the returned database names.

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fun maxTime(maxTime: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): ListDatabasesFlow<T>

Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.

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Sets the nameOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the database names or return the database names and size information.