
suspend fun countDocuments(filter: Bson = BsonDocument(), options: CountOptions = CountOptions()): Long

Counts the number of documents in the collection.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount. When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |


the number of documents in the collection

suspend fun countDocuments(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: Bson = BsonDocument(), options: CountOptions = CountOptions()): Long

Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount. When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |


the number of documents in the collection



the client session with which to associate this operation


the query filter


the options describing the count