
open class MongoCluster

The client-side representation of a MongoDB cluster operations.

The originating MongoClient is responsible for the closing of resources. If the originator MongoClient is closed, then any operations will fail.



See also



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suspend fun bulkWrite(models: List<ClientNamespacedWriteModel>): ClientBulkWriteResult

Executes a client-level bulk write operation. This method is functionally equivalent to bulkWrite(models, options) with the default options.

suspend fun bulkWrite(clientSession: ClientSession, models: List<ClientNamespacedWriteModel>): ClientBulkWriteResult

Executes a client-level bulk write operation. This method is functionally equivalent to bulkWrite(clientSession, models, options) with the default options.

suspend fun bulkWrite(models: List<ClientNamespacedWriteModel>, options: ClientBulkWriteOptions): ClientBulkWriteResult
suspend fun bulkWrite(clientSession: ClientSession, models: List<ClientNamespacedWriteModel>, options: ClientBulkWriteOptions): ClientBulkWriteResult

Executes a client-level bulk write operation.

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fun getDatabase(databaseName: String): MongoDatabase

Gets a MongoDatabase instance for the given database name.

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Get a list of the database names

fun listDatabaseNames(clientSession: ClientSession): Flow<String>

Gets the list of databases

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@JvmName(name = "listDatabasesAsDocument")
fun listDatabases(): ListDatabasesFlow<Document>
@JvmName(name = "listDatabasesAsDocumentWithSession")
fun listDatabases(clientSession: ClientSession): ListDatabasesFlow<Document>
inline fun <T : Any> listDatabases(clientSession: ClientSession): ListDatabasesFlow<T>
fun <T : Any> listDatabases(resultClass: Class<T>): ListDatabasesFlow<T>
fun <T : Any> listDatabases(clientSession: ClientSession, resultClass: Class<T>): ListDatabasesFlow<T>

Gets the list of databases

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suspend fun startSession(options: ClientSessionOptions = ClientSessionOptions.builder().build()): ClientSession

Creates a client session.

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@Alpha(value = [Reason.CLIENT])
fun timeout(timeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): Long?

The time limit for the full execution of an operation.

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@JvmName(name = "watchAsDocument")
fun watch(pipeline: List<Bson> = emptyList()): ChangeStreamFlow<Document>
inline fun <T : Any> watch(pipeline: List<Bson> = emptyList()): ChangeStreamFlow<T>
@JvmName(name = "watchAsDocumentWithSession")
fun watch(clientSession: ClientSession, pipeline: List<Bson> = emptyList()): ChangeStreamFlow<Document>
inline fun <T : Any> watch(clientSession: ClientSession, pipeline: List<Bson> = emptyList()): ChangeStreamFlow<T>
fun <T : Any> watch(pipeline: List<Bson> = emptyList(), resultClass: Class<T>): ChangeStreamFlow<T>
fun <T : Any> watch(clientSession: ClientSession, pipeline: List<Bson> = emptyList(), resultClass: Class<T>): ChangeStreamFlow<T>

Creates a change stream for this client.

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fun withCodecRegistry(newCodecRegistry: CodecRegistry): MongoCluster

Create a new MongoCluster instance with a different codec registry.

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fun withReadConcern(newReadConcern: ReadConcern): MongoCluster

Create a new MongoCluster instance with a different read concern.

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fun withReadPreference(newReadPreference: ReadPreference): MongoCluster

Create a new MongoCluster instance with a different read preference.

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@Alpha(value = [Reason.CLIENT])
fun withTimeout(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): MongoCluster

Create a new MongoCluster instance with the set time limit for the full execution of an operation.

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fun withWriteConcern(newWriteConcern: WriteConcern): MongoCluster

Create a new MongoCluster instance with a different write concern.


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val codecRegistry: CodecRegistry

The codec registry.

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val readConcern: ReadConcern

The read concern.

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val readPreference: ReadPreference

The read preference.

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val writeConcern: WriteConcern

The write concern.