The MongoCollection class

(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)


Represents a MongoDB collection.

Collection names can use any character in the ASCII set. Some valid collection names are "", "...", "my collection", and "*&#@".

User-defined collection names cannot contain the $ symbol. There are certain system collections which use a $ in their names (e.g., local.oplog.$main), but it is a reserved character. If you attempt to create and use a collection with a $ in the name, MongoDB will assert.

Class synopsis

MongoCollection {
/* Constants */
const int ASCENDING = 1 ;
const int DESCENDING = -1 ;
/* Fields */
public MongoDB $db = null ;
public int $w;
public int $wtimeout;
/* Methods */
public aggregate(array $pipeline, array $options = ?): array
public aggregateCursor(array $command, array $options = ?): MongoCommandCursor
public batchInsert(array $a, array $options = array()): mixed
public __construct(MongoDB $db, string $name)
public count(array $query = array(), array $options = array()): int
public createDBRef(mixed $document_or_id): array
public createIndex(array $keys, array $options = array()): bool
public deleteIndex(string|array $keys): array
public deleteIndexes(): array
public distinct(string $key, array $query = ?): array|false
public drop(): array
public ensureIndex(string|array $key|keys, array $options = array()): bool
public find(array $query = array(), array $fields = array()): MongoCursor
public findAndModify(
    array $query,
    array $update = ?,
    array $fields = ?,
    array $options = ?
): array
public findOne(array $query = array(), array $fields = array(), array $options = array()): array
public __get(string $name): MongoCollection
public getDBRef(array $ref): array
public getIndexInfo(): array
public getName(): string
public getReadPreference(): array
public getSlaveOkay(): bool
public getWriteConcern(): array
public group(
    mixed $keys,
    array $initial,
    MongoCode $reduce,
    array $options = array()
): array
public insert(array|object $document, array $options = array()): bool|array
public parallelCollectionScan(int $num_cursors): array[MongoCommandCursor]
public remove(array $criteria = array(), array $options = array()): bool|array
public save(array|object $document, array $options = array()): mixed
public setReadPreference(string $read_preference, array $tags = ?): bool
public setSlaveOkay(bool $ok = true): bool
public setWriteConcern(mixed $w, int $wtimeout = ?): bool
static protected toIndexString(mixed $keys): string
public __toString(): string
public update(array $criteria, array $new_object, array $options = array()): bool|array
public validate(bool $scan_data = false): array

Predefined Constants

Ascending direction for sorts and index creation.
Descending direction for sorts and index creation.



The "parent" database for this collection.


The number of servers to replicate a change to before returning success. Value is inherited from the parent database. The MongoDB class has a more detailed description of how w works.


The number of milliseconds to wait for $this->w replications to take place. Value is inherited from the parent database. The MongoDB class has a more detailed description of how wtimeout works.

See Also

MongoDB core docs on » collections.

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