Please see here for the BSON library’s API documentation as well as various usage examples in its corresponding guide. For guidance on bridging BSON types with JSON, see our JSON Interop guide.

Codable in MongoSwift and MongoSwiftSync

There are a number of ways for users to leverage Codable via driver’s API. One such example is through MongoCollection<T>. By default, MongoDatabase.collection returns a MongoCollection<BSONDocument>. Any find or aggregate method invocation on that returned collection would then return a MongoCursor<BSONDocument>, which when iterated returns a BSONDocument?:

let collection = db.collection("person")

// asynchronous API
collection.find(["occupation": "Software Engineer"]).flatMap { cursor in
}.map { docs in
    docs.forEach { person in
        print(person["name"] ?? "nil")
collection.insertOne(["name": "New Hire", "occupation": "Doctor", "projects": []]).whenSuccess { _ in /* ... */ }

// synchronous API
for person in try collection.find(["occupation": "Software Engineer"]) {
    print(try person.get()["name"] ?? "nil")
try collection.insertOne(["name": "New Hire", "occupation": "Doctor", "projects": []])

However, if the schema of the collection is known, Codable structs can be used to work with the data in a more type safe way. To facilitate this, the alternate collection(name:asType) method on MongoDatabase, which accepts a Codable generic type, can be used. The provided type defines the model for all the documents in that collection, and any cursor returned from find or aggregate on that collection will be generic over that type instead of BSONDocument. Iterating such cursors will automatically decode the result documents to the generic type specified. Similarly, insert on that collection will accept an instance of that type.

struct Project: Codable {
    let id: BSON
    let title: String

struct Person: Codable {
    let name: String
    let occupation: String
    let projects: [Project]

let collection = db.collection("person", withType: Person.self)

// asynchronous API
collection.find(["occupation": "Software Engineer"]).flatMap { cursor in
}.map { docs in
    docs.forEach { person in
collection.insertOne(Person(name: "New Hire", occupation: "Doctor", projects: [])).whenSuccess { _ in /* ... */ }

// synchronous API
for person in try collection.find(["occupation": "Software Engineer"]) {
    print(try person.get().name)
try collection.insertOne(Person(name: "New Hire", occupation: "Doctor", projects: []))

This allows applications that interact with the database to use well-defined Swift types, resulting in clearer and less error-prone code. Similar things can be done with ChangeStream<T> and ChangeStreamEvent<T>.

Migration Guides

Migrating from the 0.2.0 through 1.0.0-rc1 API to the 1.0 API

Name Changes

In order to avoid naming conflicts with other libraries, we have prefixed all BSON types that we own with BSON:

ObjectID Updates

Note that the D in ID is now capitalized in both the type name BSONObjectID and in the BSON enum case .objectID. We have also provided a default value of BSONObjectID() for the BSON.objectID case, which simplifies embedding BSONObjectIDs in BSONDocument literals in cases where you are inserting a new ID:

let doc: Document = ["_id": .objectID(ObjectID())]
let doc: BSONDocument = ["_id": .objectID()] // new

If you need to use an existing BSONObjectID you can still provide one:

let doc: BSONDocument = ["_id": .objectID(myID)]

Conversion APIs

The BSON library contains a number of methods for converting between types. Many of these are defined on BSON and were previously named asX(), e.g. asInt32(). These are now all named toX() instead.

Additionally, the driver previously supported conversions from Binary -> UUID and RegularExpression -> NSRegularExpression through initializers defined in extensions of the type being converted to. For discoverability, this logic has now been moved into toX() methods on the source types instead:

let regExp = try NSRegularExpression(from: myBSONRegExp) // old
let regExp = try myBSONRegExp.toNSRegularExpression() // new

let uuid = try UUID(from: myBSONBinary) // old
let uuid = try myBSONBinary.toUUID() // new

Extended JSON Conversion

Previously, Document/BSONDocument had computed properties, extendedJSON and canonicalExtendedJSON, to support converting to those formats. To better signify that these methods involve a non-constant time conversion, we’ve converted these properties to methods named toExtendedJSONString() and toCanonicalExtendedJSONString(), respectively.


Previously, the BSON library used the same types of errors as the driver. As of 1.0.0, the BSON library has its own set of errors. Please see the error handling guide for more details.