  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface IndexDescription


  • Pick<CreateIndexesOptions, "background" | "unique" | "partialFilterExpression" | "sparse" | "hidden" | "expireAfterSeconds" | "storageEngine" | "version" | "weights" | "default_language" | "language_override" | "textIndexVersion" | "2dsphereIndexVersion" | "bits" | "min" | "max" | "bucketSize" | "wildcardProjection">
    • IndexDescription



Optional 2dsphereIndexVersion

2dsphereIndexVersion: number

Optional background

background: boolean

Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible.

Optional bits

bits: number

Optional bucketSize

bucketSize: number

Optional collation

collation: CollationOptions

Optional default_language

default_language: string

Optional expireAfterSeconds

expireAfterSeconds: number

Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher)

Optional hidden

hidden: boolean

Specifies that the index should exist on the target collection but should not be used by the query planner when executing operations. (MongoDB 4.4 or higher)


Optional language_override

language_override: string

Optional max

max: number

For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates.

Optional min

min: number

For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates.

Optional name

name: string

Optional partialFilterExpression

partialFilterExpression: Document

Creates a partial index based on the given filter object (MongoDB 3.2 or higher)

Optional sparse

sparse: boolean

Creates a sparse index.

Optional storageEngine

storageEngine: Document

Allows users to configure the storage engine on a per-index basis when creating an index. (MongoDB 3.0 or higher)

Optional textIndexVersion

textIndexVersion: number

Optional unique

unique: boolean

Creates an unique index.

Optional version

version: number

Specifies the index version number, either 0 or 1.

Optional weights

weights: Document

Optional wildcardProjection

wildcardProjection: Document

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