Type aliases Abstract Cursor Events Abstract Cursor Events: { close: any }
Accepted Fields Accepted
< TSchema , FieldType , AssignableType > : { readonly [ key in KeysOfAType < TSchema , FieldType > ] ?: AssignableType } Type parameters TSchema FieldType AssignableType Add To Set Operators Add
< Type > : { $each
?: Flatten < Type > [] } Type parameters Alternative Type Type parameters Any Bulk Write Operation Type parameters Array Element Array Element< Type > : Type extends ReadonlyArray < infer Item> ? Item : never
Type parameters Array Operator Array
< Type > : { $each
?: Flatten < Type > [] ; $position
?: number ; $slice
?: number ; $sort
?: Sort } Type parameters Type declaration Optional $each?: Flatten < Type > [] Optional $position?: number Optional $slice?: number Optional $sort?: Sort Auto Encryption Logger Level Bitwise Filter Bitwise
: number | Binary | ReadonlyArray < number > Callback Callback
< T > : ( error
?: AnyError , result
?: T ) => void Type parameters Change Stream Document Type parameters Change Stream Events Change
< TSchema , TChange > : { change
: any ; end
: any ; error
: any ; init
: any ; more
: any ; response
: any ; resumeTokenChanged
: any } & AbstractCursorEvents Type parameters Client Session Events Client Session Events: { ended: any }
Common Events Common Events: "newListener" | "removeListener"
Connection Events Connection Events: { close: any ; clusterTimeReceived: any ; commandFailed: any ; commandStarted: any ; commandSucceeded: any ; message: any ; pinned: any ; unpinned: any }
Type declaration close: function cluster Time Received: function cluster Time Received( clusterTime: Document ) : void command Failed: function command Started: function command Succeeded: function message: function message( message: any ) : void pinned: function pinned( pinType: string ) : void unpinned: function unpinned( pinType: string ) : void Connection Pool Events Connection
: { connectionCheckOutFailed
: any ; connectionCheckOutStarted
: any ; connectionCheckedIn
: any ; connectionCheckedOut
: any ; connectionClosed
: any ; connectionCreated
: any ; connectionPoolCleared
: any ; connectionPoolClosed
: any ; connectionPoolCreated
: any ; connectionReady
: any } & Omit < ConnectionEvents , "close" | "message" > Enhanced Omit Enhanced Omit< TRecordOrUnion , KeyUnion > : string extends keyof TRecordOrUnion ? TRecordOrUnion : TRecordOrUnion extends any ? Pick < TRecordOrUnion , Exclude < keyof TRecordOrUnion , KeyUnion > > : never
Type parameters Event Emitter With State Event Emitter With State: { }
Explain Verbosity Explain Verbosity: string
Filter Operations Type parameters Finalize Function Finalize Function< TKey , TValue > : ( key: TKey , reducedValue: TValue ) => TValue
Type parameters Type declaration ( key: TKey , reducedValue: TValue ) : TValue Parameters key: TKey reducedValue: TValue Returns TValue Flatten Flatten< Type > : Type extends ReadonlyArray < infer Item> ? Item : Type
Type parameters GSSAPICanonicalization Value Generic Listener Generic Listener: ( ... args: any [] ) => void
GridFSBucket Events GridFSBucket Events: { index: any }
Index Direction Index Direction: -1 | 1 | "2d" | "2dsphere" | "text" | "geoHaystack" | number
Infer Id Type Infer
< TSchema > : TSchema extends { _id
: infer IdType
} ? Record < any , never > extends IdType ? never : IdType : TSchema extends { _id
?: infer IdType
} ? unknown extends IdType ? ObjectId : IdType : ObjectId Type parameters Is Any Is Any< Type , ResultIfAny , ResultIfNotAny > : true extends false & Type ? ResultIfAny : ResultIfNotAny
Type parameters Type ResultIfAny ResultIfNotAny Join Join
< T , D > : T extends [ ] ? "" : T extends [ string | number ] ? ` ${ T [ 0 ] } ` : T extends [ string | number , ... infer R
] ? ` ${ T [ 0 ] } ${ D } ${ Join < R , D > } ` : string Type parameters Keys OfAType Keys OfAType< TSchema , Type > : { [ key in keyof TSchema ] : NonNullable < TSchema [ key ] > extends Type ? key : never } [ keyof TSchema ]
Type parameters Keys Of Other Type Keys Of Other Type< TSchema , Type > : { [ key in keyof TSchema ] : NonNullable < TSchema [ key ] > extends Type ? never : key } [ keyof TSchema ]
Type parameters Logger Function Logger Function: ( message?: any , ... optionalParams: any [] ) => void
Type declaration ( message?: any , ... optionalParams: any [] ) : void Parameters Optional message: any Rest ... optionalParams: any [] Returns void Map Function Map Function< TSchema > : ( this: TSchema ) => void
Type parameters Match Keys And Values Type parameters Monitor Events Monitor
: { close
: any ; resetConnectionPool
: any ; resetServer
: any ; serverHeartbeatFailed
: any ; serverHeartbeatStarted
: any ; serverHeartbeatSucceeded
: any } & EventEmitterWithState Nested Paths Nested
< Type > : Type extends string | number | boolean | Date | RegExp | Buffer | Uint8Array | ( ( ... args
: any [] ) => any ) | { _bsontype
: string } ? [ ] : Type extends ReadonlyArray < infer ArrayType
> ? [ ] | [ number , ... NestedPaths < ArrayType > ] : Type extends Map < string , any > ? [ string ] : Type extends object ? { [ Key in Extract < keyof Type , string > ] : Type [ Key ] extends Type ? [ Key ] : Type extends Type [ Key ] ? [ Key ] : Type [ Key ] extends ReadonlyArray < infer ArrayType
> ? Type extends ArrayType ? [ Key ] : ArrayType extends Type ? [ Key ] : [ Key , ... NestedPaths < Type [ Key ] > ] : [ Key , ... NestedPaths < Type [ Key ] > ] } [ Extract < keyof Type , string > ] : [ ] Type parameters Nested Paths Of Type Type parameters Non Object Id Like Document Non
: { [ key in keyof ObjectIdLike ] ?: never } & Document Not Accepted Fields Not
< TSchema , FieldType > : { readonly [ key in KeysOfOtherType < TSchema , FieldType > ] ?: never } Type parameters One Or More One Or More< T > : T | ReadonlyArray < T >
Type parameters Only Fields Of Type Only
< TSchema , FieldType , AssignableType > : IsAny < TSchema [ keyof TSchema ] , Record < string , FieldType > , AcceptedFields < TSchema , FieldType , AssignableType > & NotAcceptedFields < TSchema , FieldType > & Record < string , AssignableType > > Type parameters TSchema FieldType = any AssignableType = FieldType Optional Id Type parameters Optional Unless Required Id Optional
< TSchema > : TSchema extends { _id
: any } ? TSchema : OptionalId < TSchema > Type parameters Projection Type parameters Property Type Property
< Type , Property > : string extends Property ? unknown : Property extends keyof Type ? Type [ Property ] : Property extends ` ${ number } ` ? Type extends ReadonlyArray < infer ArrayType
> ? ArrayType : unknown : Property extends ` ${ infer Key
} . ${ infer Rest
} ` ? Key extends ` ${ number } ` ? Type extends ReadonlyArray < infer ArrayType
> ? PropertyType < ArrayType , Rest > : unknown : Key extends keyof Type ? Type [ Key ] extends Map < string , infer MapType
> ? MapType : PropertyType < Type [ Key ] , Rest > : unknown : unknown Type parameters Pull All Operator Pull
< TSchema > : ( { readonly [ key in KeysOfAType < TSchema , ReadonlyArray < any > > ] ?: TSchema [ key ] } & NotAcceptedFields < TSchema , ReadonlyArray < any > > ) & {} Type parameters Pull Operator Type parameters Push Operator Type parameters Reduce Function Reduce Function< TKey , TValue > : ( key: TKey , values: TValue [] ) => TValue
Type parameters Type declaration ( key: TKey , values: TValue [] ) : TValue Parameters key: TKey values: TValue [] Returns TValue Reg Exp Or String Reg
< T > : T extends string ? BSONRegExp | RegExp | T : T Type parameters Resume Token Resume Token: unknown
Schema Member Schema Member< T , V > : { [ P in keyof T ] ?: V } | {}
Type parameters Server Events Server
: { closed
: any ; connect
: any ; descriptionReceived
: any ; ended
: any ; serverHeartbeatFailed
: any ; serverHeartbeatStarted
: any ; serverHeartbeatSucceeded
: any } & ConnectionPoolEvents & EventEmitterWithState Server Session Id Server
: { id
: Binary } Sort Direction Sort Direction: 1 | -1 | "asc" | "desc" | "ascending" | "descending" | { $meta: string }
Stream Stream: Socket | TLSSocket
Supported Node Connection Options SupportedTLSConnection Options SupportedTLSConnection
: Pick < TLSConnectionOptions , Extract < keyof TLSConnectionOptions , typeof LEGAL_TLS_SOCKET_OPTIONS [ number ] > > SupportedTLSSocket Options SupportedTLSSocket
: Pick < TLSSocketOptions , Extract < keyof TLSSocketOptions , typeof LEGAL_TLS_SOCKET_OPTIONS [ number ] > > Update Filter Update
< TSchema > : { $addToSet
?: SetFields < TSchema > ; $bit
?: OnlyFieldsOfType < TSchema , NumericType | undefined , { and
: IntegerType } | { or
: IntegerType } | { xor
: IntegerType } > ; $currentDate
?: OnlyFieldsOfType < TSchema , Date | Timestamp , true | { $type
: "date" | "timestamp" } > ; $inc
?: OnlyFieldsOfType < TSchema , NumericType | undefined > ; $max
?: MatchKeysAndValues < TSchema > ; $min
?: MatchKeysAndValues < TSchema > ; $mul
?: OnlyFieldsOfType < TSchema , NumericType | undefined > ; $pop
?: OnlyFieldsOfType < TSchema , ReadonlyArray < any > , 1 | -1 > ; $pull
?: PullOperator < TSchema > ; $pullAll
?: PullAllOperator < TSchema > ; $push
?: PushOperator < TSchema > ; $rename
?: Record < string , string > ; $set
?: MatchKeysAndValues < TSchema > ; $setOnInsert
?: MatchKeysAndValues < TSchema > ; $unset
?: OnlyFieldsOfType < TSchema , any , "" | true | 1 > } & Document Type parameters With Session Callback Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < any > With Transaction Callback With
< T > : ( session
: ClientSession ) => Promise < T > Type parameters Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < T > Without Id Without Id< TSchema > : Omit < TSchema , "_id" >
Const Auto Encryption Logger LevelAuto Encryption Logger Level: Readonly < { Error: 1 ; FatalError: 0 ; Info: 3 ; Trace: 4 ; Warning: 2 } > = ...
Const BSONTypeBSONType: Readonly < { array: 4 ; binData: 5 ; bool: 8 ; date: 9 ; dbPointer: 12 ; decimal: 19 ; double: 1 ; int: 16 ; javascript: 13 ; javascriptWithScope: 15 ; long: 18 ; maxKey: 127 ; minKey: -1 ; null: 10 ; object: 3 ; objectId: 7 ; regex: 11 ; string: 2 ; symbol: 14 ; timestamp: 17 ; undefined: 6 } > = ...
Const Batch TypeBatch Type: Readonly < { DELETE: 3 ; INSERT: 1 ; UPDATE: 2 } > = ...
Const CURSOR_ FLAGSCURSOR_ FLAGS: readonly [ "tailable" , "oplogReplay" , "noCursorTimeout" , "awaitData" , "exhaust" , "partial" ] = ...
Const CompressorCompressor: Readonly < { none: 0 ; snappy: 1 ; zlib: 2 ; zstd: 3 } > = ...
Const Explain VerbosityExplain Verbosity: Readonly < { allPlansExecution: "allPlansExecution" ; executionStats: "executionStats" ; queryPlanner: "queryPlanner" ; queryPlannerExtended: "queryPlannerExtended" } > = ...
Const GSSAPICanonicalization ValueGSSAPICanonicalization Value: Readonly < { forward: "forward" ; forwardAndReverse: "forwardAndReverse" ; none: "none" ; off: false ; on: true } > = ...
Const LEGAL_ TCP_ SOCKET_ OPTIONSLEGAL_ TCP_ SOCKET_ OPTIONS: readonly [ "family" , "hints" , "localAddress" , "localPort" , "lookup" ] = ...
Const LEGAL_ TLS_ SOCKET_ OPTIONSLEGAL_ TLS_ SOCKET_ OPTIONS: readonly [ "ALPNProtocols" , "ca" , "cert" , "checkServerIdentity" , "ciphers" , "crl" , "ecdhCurve" , "key" , "minDHSize" , "passphrase" , "pfx" , "rejectUnauthorized" , "secureContext" , "secureProtocol" , "servername" , "session" ] = ...
Const Logger LevelLogger Level: Readonly < { DEBUG: "debug" ; ERROR: "error" ; INFO: "info" ; WARN: "warn" ; debug: "debug" ; error: "error" ; info: "info" ; warn: "warn" } > = ...
Const MONGO_ CLIENT_ EVENTSMONGO_ CLIENT_ EVENTS: readonly [ "connectionPoolCreated" , "connectionPoolClosed" , "connectionCreated" , "connectionReady" , "connectionClosed" , "connectionCheckOutStarted" , "connectionCheckOutFailed" , "connectionCheckedOut" , "connectionCheckedIn" , "connectionPoolCleared" , "commandStarted" , "commandSucceeded" , "commandFailed" , "serverOpening" , "serverClosed" , "serverDescriptionChanged" , "topologyOpening" , "topologyClosed" , "topologyDescriptionChanged" , "error" , "timeout" , "close" , "serverHeartbeatStarted" , "serverHeartbeatSucceeded" , "serverHeartbeatFailed" ] = ...
Map Map: MapConstructor
Defined in node_modules/bson/bson.d.ts:932 Const Mongo Error LabelMongo Error Label: Readonly < { HandshakeError: "HandshakeError" ; ResumableChangeStreamError: "ResumableChangeStreamError" ; RetryableWriteError: "RetryableWriteError" ; TransientTransactionError: "TransientTransactionError" ; UnknownTransactionCommitResult: "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" } > = ...
Const Profiling LevelProfiling Level: Readonly < { all: "all" ; off: "off" ; slowOnly: "slow_only" } > = ...
Const Read Concern LevelRead Concern Level: Readonly < { available: "available" ; linearizable: "linearizable" ; local: "local" ; majority: "majority" ; snapshot: "snapshot" } > = ...
Const Read Preference ModeRead Preference Mode: Readonly < { nearest: "nearest" ; primary: "primary" ; primaryPreferred: "primaryPreferred" ; secondary: "secondary" ; secondaryPreferred: "secondaryPreferred" } > = ...
Const Return DocumentReturn Document: Readonly < { AFTER: "after" ; BEFORE: "before" } > = ...
Const Server Api VersionServer Api Version: Readonly < { v1: "1" } > = ...
Const Server TypeServer Type: Readonly < { LoadBalancer: "LoadBalancer" ; Mongos: "Mongos" ; PossiblePrimary: "PossiblePrimary" ; RSArbiter: "RSArbiter" ; RSGhost: "RSGhost" ; RSOther: "RSOther" ; RSPrimary: "RSPrimary" ; RSSecondary: "RSSecondary" ; Standalone: "Standalone" ; Unknown: "Unknown" } > = ...
Const Topology TypeTopology Type: Readonly < { LoadBalanced: "LoadBalanced" ; ReplicaSetNoPrimary: "ReplicaSetNoPrimary" ; ReplicaSetWithPrimary: "ReplicaSetWithPrimary" ; Sharded: "Sharded" ; Single: "Single" ; Unknown: "Unknown" } > = ...
It is possible to search using alternative types in mongodb e.g. string types can be searched using a regex in mongo array types can be searched using their element type