Type Alias Abortable

Abortable: {
    signal?: AbortSignal;

Type declaration

  • Optional Experimentalsignal?: AbortSignal

    When provided, the corresponding AbortController can be used to abort an asynchronous action.

    The signal.reason value is used as the error thrown.

    NOTE: If an abort signal aborts an operation while the driver is writing to the underlying socket or reading the response from the server, the socket will be closed. If signals are aborted at a high rate during socket read/writes this can lead to a high rate of connection reestablishment.

    We plan to mitigate this in a future release, please follow NODE-6062 (timeoutMS expiration suffers the same limitation).

    AbortSignals are likely a best fit for human interactive interruption (ex. ctrl-C) where the frequency of cancellation is reasonably low. If a signal is programmatically aborted for 100s of operations you can empty the driver's connection pool.

    const controller = new AbortController();
    const { signal } = controller;
    process.on('SIGINT', () => controller.abort(new Error('^C pressed')));

    try {
    const res = await fetch('...', { signal });
    await collection.findOne(await res.json(), { signal });
    catch (error) {
    if (error === signal.reason) {
    // signal abort error handling