Interface ClientBulkWriteResult

interface ClientBulkWriteResult {
    acknowledged: boolean;
    deletedCount: number;
    deleteResults?: ReadonlyMap<number, ClientDeleteResult>;
    insertedCount: number;
    insertResults?: ReadonlyMap<number, ClientInsertOneResult>;
    matchedCount: number;
    modifiedCount: number;
    updateResults?: ReadonlyMap<number, ClientUpdateResult>;
    upsertedCount: number;


acknowledged: boolean

Whether the bulk write was acknowledged.

deletedCount: number

The total number of documents deleted across all delete operations.

deleteResults?: ReadonlyMap<number, ClientDeleteResult>

The results of each individual delete operation that was successfully performed.

insertedCount: number

The total number of documents inserted across all insert operations.

insertResults?: ReadonlyMap<number, ClientInsertOneResult>

The results of each individual insert operation that was successfully performed.

matchedCount: number

The total number of documents matched across all update operations.

modifiedCount: number

The total number of documents modified across all update operations.

updateResults?: ReadonlyMap<number, ClientUpdateResult>

The results of each individual update operation that was successfully performed.

upsertedCount: number

The total number of documents upserted across all update operations.
