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Ensure Methods

The Ensure type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberIsBetweenT
Ensures that the value of a parameter is between a minimum and a maximum value.
Public methodStatic memberIsEqualToT
Ensures that the value of a parameter is equal to a comparand.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanOrEqualToT
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than or equal to a comparand.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanOrEqualToZero(Int32, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanOrEqualToZero(Int64, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanOrEqualToZero(TimeSpan, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanZero(Int32, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanZero(Int64, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsGreaterThanZero(TimeSpan, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsInfiniteOrGreaterThanOrEqualToZero
Ensures that the value of a parameter is infinite or greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsInfiniteOrGreaterThanZero
Ensures that the value of a parameter is infinite or greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNotNullT
Ensures that the value of a parameter is not null.
Public methodStatic memberIsNotNullOrEmpty
Ensures that the value of a parameter is not null or empty.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullT
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrGreaterThanOrEqualToZero(NullableInt32, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrGreaterThanOrEqualToZero(NullableInt64, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrGreaterThanZero(NullableInt32, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrGreaterThanZero(NullableInt64, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrGreaterThanZero(NullableTimeSpan, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or greater than zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrInfiniteOrGreaterThanOrEqualToZero
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null, or infinite, or greater than or equal to zero.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrNotEmpty
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or not empty.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrValidTimeout
Ensures that the value of a parameter is null or a valid timeout.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidTimeout
Ensures that the value of a parameter is a valid timeout.
Public methodStatic memberThat(Boolean, String)
Ensures that an assertion is true.
Public methodStatic memberThat(Boolean, String, String)
Ensures that an assertion is true.
Public methodStatic memberThatT(T, FuncT, Boolean, String, String)
Ensures that the value of a parameter meets an assertion.
See Also