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QueryFlags Enumeration

Flags used with queries (see the SetQueryFlags method of MongoCursor).

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver.Legacy (in MongoDB.Driver.Legacy.dll) Version: 2.10.0+569905ff5e778c38ea19d9d0392496a83e1704ed
public enum QueryFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
TailableCursor2 This cursor should be tailable.
SlaveOk4 It's OK for the query to be handled by a secondary server.
NoCursorTimeout16 Tell the server not to let the cursor timeout.
AwaitData32 Tell the server to wait for data to become available before returning (only used with TailableCursor).
Exhaust64 Tell the server to send all the data at once (in multiple messages if necessary) without waiting for GetMore messages.
Partial128 Allow partial results in a sharded system if some of the shards are down.
See Also