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BsonBinaryReaderSettings Properties

The BsonBinaryReaderSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaults
Gets or sets the default settings for a BsonBinaryReader.
Public propertyEncoding
Gets or sets the Encoding.
Public propertyFixOldBinarySubTypeOnInput
Gets or sets whether to fix occurrences of the old binary subtype on input.
Public propertyFixOldDateTimeMaxValueOnInput
Gets or sets whether to fix occurrences of the old representation of DateTime.MaxValue on input.
Public propertyGuidRepresentation Obsolete.
Gets or sets the representation for Guids.
(Inherited from BsonReaderSettings.)
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets whether the settings are frozen.
(Inherited from BsonReaderSettings.)
Public propertyMaxDocumentSize
Gets or sets the max document size.
See Also