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ChangeStreamDocumentTDocument Properties

The ChangeStreamDocumentTDocument generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackingDocument
Gets the backing document.
Public propertyClusterTime
Gets the cluster time.
Public propertyCollectionNamespace
Gets the namespace of the collection.
Public propertyCollectionUuid
Gets ui field from the oplog entry corresponding to the change event. Only present when the showExpandedEvents change stream option is enabled and for the following event types (MongoDB 6.0 and later):
Public propertyDatabaseNamespace
Gets the database namespace.
Public propertyDisambiguatedPaths
Gets the disambiguated paths if present.
Public propertyDocumentKey
Gets the document key.
Public propertyFullDocument
Gets the full document.
Public propertyFullDocumentBeforeChange
Gets the full document before change.
Public propertyOperationDescription
Gets the description for the operation. Only present when the showExpandedEvents change stream option is enabled and for the following event types (MongoDB 6.0 and later):
Public propertyOperationType
Gets the type of the operation.
Public propertyRenameTo
Gets the new namespace for the ns collection. This field is omitted for all operation types except "rename".
Public propertyResumeToken
Gets the resume token.
Public propertyUpdateDescription
Gets the update description.
Public propertyWallTime
Gets the wall time of the change stream event.
See Also