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RetryableUpdateCommandOperation Properties

The RetryableUpdateCommandOperation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBypassDocumentValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Public propertyCollectionNamespace
Gets the collection namespace.
Public propertyComment
Gets or sets the comment.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
Public propertyDatabaseNamespace
Gets the database namespace.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
Public propertyIsOrdered
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server should process the requests in order.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
Public propertyLet
Gets or sets the let document.
Public propertyMaxBatchCount
Gets or sets the maximum batch count.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
Public propertyMessageEncoderSettings
Gets the message encoder settings.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
Public propertyRetryRequested
Gets or sets a value indicating whether retry is enabled for the operation.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
Public propertyUpdates
Gets the updates.
Public propertyWriteConcern
Gets or sets the write concern.
(Inherited from RetryableWriteCommandOperationBase.)
See Also