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ClusterBuilderExtensions Class

Extension methods for a ClusterBuilder.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver.Core.Configuration
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver.Core (in MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll) Version: 2.19.1+3a2a09dd959482f665ffbb5df2557ec541597af4
public static class ClusterBuilderExtensions

The ClusterBuilderExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberConfigureWithConnectionString(ClusterBuilder, ConnectionString)
Configures a cluster builder from a connection string.
Public methodStatic memberConfigureWithConnectionString(ClusterBuilder, String)
Configures a cluster builder from a connection string.
Public methodStatic memberConfigureWithConnectionString(ClusterBuilder, ConnectionString, ServerApi)
Configures a cluster builder from a connection string.
Public methodStatic memberConfigureWithConnectionString(ClusterBuilder, String, ServerApi)
Configures a cluster builder from a connection string.
Public methodStatic memberTraceCommandsWith
Configures the cluster to trace command events to the specified traceSource.
Public methodStatic memberTraceWith
Configures the cluster to trace events to the specified traceSource.
Public methodStatic memberUsePerformanceCounters
Configures the cluster to write performance counters.
See Also