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ChangeStreamOperationType Enumeration

The operation type of a change stream result.

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver.Core (in MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll) Version: 2.20.0+ee01960089f28ea1b501690df5fc9f6318a70242
public enum ChangeStreamOperationType
  Member nameValueDescription
Insert0 An insert operation type.
Update1 An update operation type.
Replace2 A replace operation type.
Delete3 A delete operation type.
Invalidate4 An invalidate operation type.
Rename5 A rename operation type.
Drop6 A drop operation type.
DropDatabase7 A dropDatabase operation type.
CreateIndexes8 A createIndexes operation type.
DropIndexes9 A dropIndexes operation type.
Modify10 A modify operation type.
Create11 A create operation type.
ShardCollection12 A shardCollection operation type.
RefineCollectionShardKey13 A refineCollectionShardKey operation type.
ReshardCollection14 A reshardCollection operation type.
See Also