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AggregateOptions Properties

The AggregateOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowDiskUse
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow disk use.
Public propertyBatchSize
Gets or sets the size of a batch.
Public propertyBypassDocumentValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Public propertyCollation
Gets or sets the collation.
Public propertyComment
Gets or sets the comment.
Public propertyHint
Gets or sets the hint. This must either be a BsonString representing the index name or a BsonDocument representing the key pattern of the index.
Public propertyLet
Gets or sets the "let" definition.
Public propertyMaxAwaitTime
Gets or sets the maximum await time.
Public propertyMaxTime
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Public propertyTranslationOptions
Gets or sets the translation options.
Public propertyUseCursor Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use a cursor.
See Also