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MongoDB.Driver Namespace

The MongoDB.Driver namespace contains all the basic types and classes that compose the MongoDB driver. It contains the classes needed for most interactions with the database.
Public classAggregateArgs
Represents options for the Aggregate command.
Public classAggregateBucketAutoOptions
Represents options for the BucketAuto method.
Public classAggregateBucketAutoResult<TValue>
Represents the result of the $bucketAuto stage.
Public classAggregateBucketAutoResultId<TValue>
Represents the _id value in the result of a $bucketAuto stage.
Public classAggregateBucketAutoResultIdSerializer
Static factory class for AggregateBucketAutoResultIdSerializer.
Public classAggregateBucketAutoResultIdSerializer<TValue>
A serializer for AggregateBucketAutoResultId.
Public classAggregateBucketOptions<TValue>
Represents options for the Bucket method.
Public classAggregateBucketResult<TValue>
Represents the result of the $bucket stage.
Public classAggregateCountResult
Result type for the aggregate $count stage.
Public classAggregateExpressionDefinition<TSource, TResult>
An aggregation expression.
Public classAggregateFacet
Represents static methods for creating facets.
Public classAggregateFacet<TInput>
Represents a facet to be passed to the Facet method.
Public classAggregateFacet<TInput, TOutput>
Represents a facet to be passed to the Facet method.
Public classAggregateFacetOptions<TOutput>
Options for the aggregate $facet stage.
Public classAggregateFacetResult
Represents an abstract AggregateFacetResult with an arbitrary TOutput type.
Public classAggregateFacetResult<TOutput>
Represents the result of a single facet.
Public classAggregateFacetResults
Represents the results of a $facet stage with an arbitrary number of facets.
Public classAggregateFluentBase<TResult>
Public classAggregateGraphLookupOptions<TFrom, TAsElement, TOutput>
Represents options for the GraphLookup method.
Public classAggregateLookupOptions<TForeignDocument, TResult>
Options for the aggregate $lookup stage.
Public classAggregateOptions
Options for an aggregate operation.
Public classAggregateSortByCountResult<TId>
Result type for the aggregate $sortByCount stage.
Public classAggregateUnwindOptions<TResult>
Options for the $unwind aggregation stage.
Public classAppendedStagePipelineDefinition<TInput, TIntermediate, TOutput>
Represents a pipeline consisting of an existing pipeline with one additional stage appended.
Public classArrayFilterDefinition
Base class for array filters.
Public classArrayFilterDefinition<TItem>
Base class for array filters.
Public classBatchTransformingAsyncCursor<TFromDocument, TToDocument>
Represents a cursor that wraps another cursor with a transformation function on the documents.
Public classBsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<TItem>
A BsonDocument based array filter.
Public classBsonDocumentCommand<TResult>
A BsonDocument based command.
Public classBsonDocumentFilterDefinition<TDocument>
A BsonDocument based filter.
Public classBsonDocumentIndexKeysDefinition<TDocument>
A BsonDocument based index keys definition.
Public classBsonDocumentPipelineStageDefinition<TInput, TOutput>
A BsonDocument based stage.
Public classBsonDocumentProjectionDefinition<TSource>
A BsonDocument based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
Public classBsonDocumentProjectionDefinition<TSource, TProjection>
A BsonDocument based projection.
Public classBsonDocumentSortDefinition<TDocument>
A BsonDocument based sort.
Public classBsonDocumentStagePipelineDefinition<TInput, TOutput>
A pipeline composed of instances of BsonDocument.
Public classBsonDocumentUpdateDefinition<TDocument>
A BsonDocument based update.
Public classBsonValueAggregateExpressionDefinition<TSource, TResult>
A BsonValue based aggregate expression.
Public classBuilders<TDocument>
A static helper class containing various builders.
Public classBulkUpdateRequestBuilder<TDocument>
Represents a fluent builder for one update request.
Public classBulkWriteError
Represents the details of a write error for a particular request.
Public classBulkWriteOperation<TDocument>
Represents a fluent builder for a bulk operation.
Public classBulkWriteOptions
Options for a bulk write operation.
Public classBulkWriteRequestBuilder<TDocument>
Represents a fluent builder for a write request (either a remove or an update).
Public classBulkWriteResult
Represents the result of a bulk write operation.
Public classBulkWriteResult<TDocument>
Represents the result of a bulk write operation.
Public classBulkWriteResult<TDocument>.Acknowledged
Result from an acknowledged write concern.
Public classBulkWriteResult<TDocument>.Unacknowledged
Result from an unacknowledged write concern.
Public classBulkWriteUpsert
Represents the information about one Upsert.
Public classChangeStreamDocument<TDocument>
An output document from a $changeStream pipeline stage.
Public classChangeStreamDocumentSerializer<TDocument>
A serializer for ChangeStreamDocument instances.
Public classChangeStreamOperationTypeSerializer
A serializer for ChangeStreamOperationType values.
Public classChangeStreamOptions
Options for a change stream operation.
Public classChangeStreamPreAndPostImagesOptions
Change stream pre and post images options.
Public classChangeStreamStageOptions
Options for a $changeStream stage.
Public classChangeStreamUpdateDescription
An UpdateDescription in a ChangeStreamDocument instance.
Public classChangeStreamUpdateDescriptionSerializer
A serialize for ChangeStreamUpdateDescription values.
Public classClientSessionOptions
Client session options.
Public classClientSideDeserializationProjectionDefinition<TSource, TProjection>
A client side only projection that is implemented solely by deserializing using a different serializer.
Public classClusteredIndexOptions<TDocument>
Options for creating a clustered index.
Public classClusterRegistry
Represents a registry of already created clusters.
Public classCollation
Represents a MongoDB collation.
Public classCollectionNamespace
Represents a collection namespace.
Public classCollectionOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCollectionOptions is expected.
Public classCollectionStatsResult
Represents the results of the collection stats command.
Public classCollectionStatsResult.IndexSizesResult
Represents a collection of index sizes.
Public classCommand<TResult>
Base class for commands.
Public classCommandDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCommand is expected.
Public classCommandResult
Represents the result of a command (there are also subclasses for various commands).
Public classCommandResultSerializer<TCommandResult>
Represents a serializer for a CommandResult.
Public classCountArgs
Represents arguments for the Count command helper method.
Public classCountOptions
Options for a count operation.
Public classCreateCollectionOptions
Options for creating a collection.
Public classCreateCollectionOptions<TDocument>
Options for creating a collection.
Public classCreateIndexCommitQuorum
Represents a create index commit quorum.
Public classCreateIndexCommitQuorumWithMode
Represents a CreateIndexCommitQuorum with a mode value.
Public classCreateIndexCommitQuorumWithW
Represents a CreateIndexCommitQuorum with a w value.
Public classCreateIndexModel<TDocument>
Model for creating an index.
Public classCreateIndexOptions
Options for creating an index.
Public classCreateIndexOptions<TDocument>
Options for creating an index.
Public classCreateManyIndexesOptions
Options for creating multiple indexes.
Public classCreateOneIndexOptions
Options for creating a single index.
Public classCreateSearchIndexModel
Model for creating a search index.
Public classCreateViewOptions<TDocument>
Options for creating a view.
Public classCreateViewOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCreateViewOptions is expected.
Public classDatabaseNamespace
Represents a database namespace.
Public classDatabaseStatsResult
Represents the result of the database stats command.
Public classDeferredAsyncCursor<TDocument>
Represents a cursor for an operation that is not actually executed until MoveNextAsync is called for the first time.
Public classDeleteManyModel<TDocument>
Model for deleting many documents.
Public classDeleteOneModel<TDocument>
Model for deleting a single document.
Public classDeleteOptions
Options for the Delete methods.
Public classDeleteResult
The result of a delete operation.
Public classDeleteResult.Acknowledged
The result of an acknowledged delete operation.
Public classDeleteResult.Unacknowledged
The result of an unacknowledged delete operation.
Public classDensifyBounds
Represents keyword densify bounds.
Public classDensifyDateTimeBounds
Represents a DateTime densify bounds.
Public classDensifyDateTimeRange
Represents a DateTime densify range.
Public classDensifyKeywordDateTimeBounds
Represents a keyword DateTime densify bounds.
Public classDensifyKeywordNumericBounds<TNumber>
Represents a keyword numeric densify bounds.
Public classDensifyLowerUpperDateTimeBounds
Represents a DateTime densify bounds with lower and upper bounds.
Public classDensifyLowerUpperNumericBounds<TNumber>
Represents a numeric densify bounds with lower and upper bounds.
Public classDensifyNumericBounds<TNumber>
Represents a numeric densify bounds.
Public classDensifyNumericRange<TNumber>
Represents a numeric densify range.
Public classDensifyRange
Represents a range for the $densify stage.
Public classDistinctArgs
Represents arguments for the Distinct command helper method.
Public classDistinctOptions
Options for the distinct command.
Public classDocumentsAggregateExpressionDefinition<TDocument>
An aggregate expression for the $documents stage.
Public classDocumentsWindow
Represents a documents window for a SetWindowFields window method.
Public classDocumentsWindowBoundary
Represents a boundary for a documents window in SetWindowFields.
Public classDropCollectionOptions
Options for dropping a collection.
Public classDropIndexOptions
Options for dropping an index.
Public classEmptyPipelineDefinition<TInput>
Represents an empty pipeline.
Public classEstimatedDocumentCountOptions
Options for estimated document count.
Public classEvalArgs
Represents arguments for the Eval command helper method.
Public classExpressionAggregateExpressionDefinition<TSource, TResult>
A BsonValue based aggregate expression.
Public classExpressionFieldDefinition<TDocument>
An Expression based field.
Public classExpressionFieldDefinition<TDocument, TField>
An Expression based field.
Public classExpressionFilterDefinition<TDocument>
An Expression based filter.
Public classExpressionTranslationOptions
Options for controlling translation from .NET expression trees into MongoDB expressions.
Public classExternalEvidence
Evidence of a MongoIdentity via an external mechanism. For example, on windows this may be the current process' user or, on linux, via kinit.
Public classFieldDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for field names.
Public classFieldDefinition<TDocument, TField>
Base class for field names.
Public classFieldsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoFields is expected.
Public classFilterDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for filters.
Public classFilterDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
Public classFindAndModifyArgs
Represents options for the FindAndModify command.
Public classFindAndModifyResult
Represents the result of a FindAndModify command.
Public classFindAndRemoveArgs
Represents options for the FindAndRemove command.
Public classFindExpressionProjectionDefinition<TSource, TProjection>
A find Expression based projection.
Public classFindFluentBase<TDocument, TProjection>
Public classFindOneAndDeleteOptions<TDocument>
Options for a findAndModify command to delete an object.
Public classFindOneAndDeleteOptions<TDocument, TProjection>
Options for a findAndModify command to delete an object.
Public classFindOneAndReplaceOptions<TDocument>
Options for a findAndModify command to replace an object.
Public classFindOneAndReplaceOptions<TDocument, TProjection>
Options for a findAndModify command to replace an object.
Public classFindOneAndUpdateOptions<TDocument>
Options for a findAndModify command to update an object.
Public classFindOneAndUpdateOptions<TDocument, TProjection>
Options for a findAndModify command to update an object.
Public classFindOneArgs
Represents arguments to the FindOne method.
Public classFindOptions
Options for finding documents.
Public classFindOptions<TDocument>
Options for finding documents.
Public classFindOptions<TDocument, TProjection>
Options for finding documents.
Public classFindOptionsBase
Options for a find operation.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchArgs Obsolete.
Represents the arguments to the GeoHaystackSearch method.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchOptionsDocument Obsolete.
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions is expected.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult Obsolete.
Represents the result of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult.GeoHaystackSearchHit
Represents a GeoHaystackSearch hit.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult.GeoHaystackSearchHits
Represents a collection of GeoHaystackSearch hits.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult.GeoHaystackSearchStats
Represents the stats of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult<TDocument> Obsolete.
Represents the result of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult<TDocument>.GeoHaystackSearchHit
Represents a GeoHaystackSearch hit.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchResult<TDocument>.GeoHaystackSearchHits
Represents a collection of GeoHaystackSearch hits.
Public classGeoNearArgs
Represents the arguments to the GeoNear method.
Public classGeoNearOptionsDocument Obsolete.
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGeoNearOptions is expected.
Public classGeoNearPoint
Represents a GeoNearPoint (wraps either an XYPoint or a GeoJsonPoint).
Public classGeoNearPoint.GeoJson<TCoordinates>
Represents a GeoNearPoint that wraps a GeoJsonPoint.
Public classGeoNearPoint.Legacy
Represents a GeoNearPoint that wraps an XYPoint.
Public classGeoNearResult
Represents the result of a GeoNear command.
Public classGeoNearResult.GeoNearHit
Represents a GeoNear hit.
Public classGeoNearResult.GeoNearHits
Represents a collection of GeoNear hits.
Public classGeoNearResult.GeoNearStats
Represents the stats of a GeoNear command.
Public classGeoNearResult<TDocument>
Represents the result of a GeoNear command.
Public classGeoNearResult<TDocument>.GeoNearHit
Represents a GeoNear hit.
Public classGeoNearResult<TDocument>.GeoNearHits
Represents a collection of GeoNear hits.
Public classGetIndexesResult
Represents the result of GetIndexes.
Public classGetProfilingLevelResult
Represents the results of a GetProfilingLevel command.
Public classGetStatsArgs
Represents arguments for the GetStats command helper method.
Public classGroupArgs
Represents arguments for the Group command helper method.
Public classGroupByDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGroupBy is expected.
Public classIAggregateFluentExtensions
Public classIAsyncCursorExtensions
Represents extension methods for IAsyncCursor.
Public classIAsyncCursorSourceExtensions
Represents extension methods for IAsyncCursorSource.
Public classIFindFluentExtensions
Public classIMongoClientExtensions
Extension methods on IMongoClient.
Public classIMongoCollectionExtensions
Public classIMongoDatabaseExtensions
Extension methods on IMongoDatabase.
Public classIndexInfo
Represents information about an index.
Public classIndexKeysDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for an index keys definition.
Public classIndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
Public classIndexKeysDefinitionExtensions
Extension methods for an index keys definition.
Public classIndexKeysDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoIndexKeys is expected.
Public classIndexOptionDefaults
Represents index option defaults.
Public classIndexOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoIndexOptions is expected.
Public classInsertManyOptions
Options for inserting many documents.
Public classInsertOneModel<TDocument>
Model for inserting a single document.
Public classInsertOneOptions
Options for inserting one document.
Public classISetWindowFieldsPartition<TInput>
Represents a partition for SetWindowFields.
Public classJsonArrayFilterDefinition<TItem>
A JSON String based array filter.
Public classJsonCommand<TResult>
A JSON String based command.
Public classJsonFilterDefinition<TDocument>
A JSON String based filter.
Public classJsonIndexKeysDefinition<TDocument>
A JSON String based index keys definition.
Public classJsonPipelineStageDefinition<TInput, TOutput>
A JSON String based pipeline stage.
Public classJsonProjectionDefinition<TSource>
A JSON String based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
Public classJsonProjectionDefinition<TSource, TProjection>
A JSON String based projection.
Public classJsonSortDefinition<TDocument>
A JSON String based sort.
Public classJsonUpdateDefinition<TDocument>
A JSON String based update.
Public classKeywordDocumentsWindowBoundary
Represents a keyword boundary for a document window in SetWindowFields (i.e. "unbounded" or "current").
Public classKeywordRangeWindowBoundary
Represents a keyword boundary for a range window in SetWindowFields (i.e. "unbounded" or "current").
Public classListCollectionNamesOptions
Options for a list collection names operation.
Public classListCollectionsOptions
Options for a list collections operation.
Public classListDatabaseNamesOptions
Options for a list database names operation.
Public classListDatabasesOptions
Options for a list databases operation.
Public classListIndexesOptions
Options for a list indexes operation.
Public classMapReduceArgs Obsolete.
Represents arguments for the MapReduce command helper method.
Public classMapReduceOptions<TDocument, TResult> Obsolete.
Represents the options for a map-reduce operation.
Public classMapReduceOutputOptions Obsolete.
Represents the output options for a map-reduce operation.
Public classMapReduceResult Obsolete.
Represents the result of a map-reduce command.
Public classMergeStageOptions<TOutput>
Options for the $merge aggregation pipeline stage.
Public classMongoAuthenticationException
Represents a MongoDB authentication exception.
Public classMongoBulkWriteException
Represents a bulk write exception.
Public classMongoBulkWriteException<TDocument>
Represents a bulk write exception.
Public classMongoClient
Base class for implementors of IMongoClient.
Public classMongoClientBase
Base class for implementors of IMongoClient.
Public classMongoClientException
Represents a MongoDB client exception.
Public classMongoClientExtensions
Represents extension methods on MongoClient.
Public classMongoClientSettings
The settings for a MongoDB client.
Public classMongoCollection
Represents a MongoDB collection and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
Public classMongoCollection<TDefaultDocument>
Represents a MongoDB collection and the settings used to access it as well as a default document type. This class is thread-safe.
Public classMongoCollectionBase<TDocument>
Public classMongoCollectionSettings
The settings used to access a collection.
Public classMongoCommandException
Represents a MongoDB command exception.
Public classMongoConfigurationException
Represents a MongoDB configuration exception.
Public classMongoConnectionClosedException
Represents a MongoDB connection failed exception.
Public classMongoConnectionException
Represents a MongoDB connection exception.
Public classMongoConnectionPoolPausedException
Represents a MongoDB connection pool paused exception.
Public classMongoCredential
Credential to access a MongoDB database.
Public classMongoCursor
An object that can be enumerated to fetch the results of a query. The query is not sent to the server until you begin enumerating the results.
Public classMongoCursor<TDocument>
An object that can be enumerated to fetch the results of a query. The query is not sent to the server until you begin enumerating the results.
Public classMongoCursorNotFoundException
Represents a MongoDB cursor not found exception.
Public classMongoDatabase
Represents a MongoDB database and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
Public classMongoDatabaseBase
Base class for implementors of IMongoDatabase.
Public classMongoDatabaseSettings
The settings used to access a database.
Public classMongoDBRef
Represents a DBRef (a convenient way to refer to a document).
Public classMongoDBRefSerializer
Represents a serializer for MongoDBRefs.
Public classMongoDefaults
Default values for various Mongo settings.
Public classMongoDuplicateKeyException
Represents a MongoDB duplicate key exception.
Public classMongoException
Represents a MongoDB exception.
Public classMongoExecutionTimeoutException
Represents a MongoDB execution timeout exception.
Public classMongoExternalAwsIdentity
Represents an identity defined by AWS external credentials.
Public classMongoExternalIdentity
Represents an identity defined outside of mongodb.
Public classMongoIdentity
Represents an identity in MongoDB.
Public classMongoIdentityEvidence
Evidence used as proof of a MongoIdentity.
Public classMongoIncompatibleDriverException
Represents a MongoDB incompatible driver exception.
Public classMongoIndexManagerBase<TDocument>
Public classMongoInsertOptions
Represents the options to use for an Insert or InsertBatch operation.
Public classMongoInternalException
Represents a MongoDB internal exception (almost surely the result of a bug).
Public classMongoInternalIdentity
Represents an identity defined inside mongodb.
Public classMongoNodeIsRecoveringException
Represents a MongoDB node is recovering exception.
Public classMongoNotPrimaryException
Represents a MongoDB not primary exception.
Public classMongoQueryException
Represents a MongoDB query exception.
Public classMongoServer
Represents a MongoDB server (either a single instance or a replica set) and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
Public classMongoServerAddress
The address of a MongoDB server.
Public classMongoServerException
Represents a MongoDB server exception.
Public classMongoServerInstance
Represents an instance of a MongoDB server host.
Public classMongoServerSettings
The settings used to access a MongoDB server.
Public classMongoUpdateOptions
Represents the options to use for an Update operation.
Public classMongoUrl
Represents an immutable URL style connection string. See also MongoUrlBuilder.
Public classMongoUrlBuilder
Represents URL-style connection strings.
Public classMongoUrlTypeConverter
Implements a TypeConverter for converting MongoUrl.
Public classMongoUser Obsolete.
Represents a MongoDB user.
Public classMongoUtils
Various static utility methods.
Public classMongoWaitQueueFullException
Represents a MongoDB connection pool wait queue full exception.
Public classMongoWriteConcernException
Represents a MongoDB write concern exception.
Public classMongoWriteException
Represents a write exception.
Public classMongoX509Identity
Represents an identity defined by an X509 certificate.
Public classNoPipelineInput
Represents the void input data type to a pipeline with no input, such as a database aggregation. No actual instances of this type can be created.
Public classObjectCommand<TResult>
An Object based command.
Public classObjectFilterDefinition<TDocument>
An Object based filter.
Public classObjectProjectionDefinition<TSource>
An Object based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
Public classObjectProjectionDefinition<TSource, TProjection>
An Object based projection.
Public classObjectSortDefinition<TDocument>
An Object based sort.
Public classObjectUpdateDefinition<TDocument>
An Object based update.
Public classOptional
Public classParallelScanArgs
Represents arguments for the ParallelScan command helper method.
Public classParallelScanArgs<TDocument>
Represents arguments for the ParallelScan command helper method.
Public classPasswordEvidence
Evidence of a MongoIdentity via a shared secret.
Public classPipelineDefinition<TInput, TOutput>
Base class for a pipeline.
Public classPipelineDefinitionBuilder
Extension methods for adding stages to a pipeline.
Public classPipelineStageDefinition<TInput, TOutput>
Base class for pipeline stages.
Public classPipelineStageDefinitionBuilder
Methods for building pipeline stages.
Public classPipelineStagePipelineDefinition<TInput, TOutput>
A pipeline composed of instances of IPipelineStageDefinition.
Public classPipelineUpdateDefinition<TDocument>
Public classPositionDocumentsWindowBoundary
Represents a position boundary for a document window in SetWindowFields.
Public classPrependedStagePipelineDefinition<TInput, TIntermediate, TOutput>
Represents a pipeline consisting of an existing pipeline with one additional stage prepended.
Public classProjectionDefinition<TSource>
Base class for projections whose projection type is not yet known.
Public classProjectionDefinition<TSource, TProjection>
Base class for projections.
Public classProjectionDefinitionBuilder<TSource>
A builder for a projection.
Public classProjectionDefinitionExtensions
Extension methods for projections.
Public classQueryDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoQuery is expected.
Public classRangeWindow
Represents a range window for a SetWindowFields window method.
Public classRangeWindowBoundary
Represents a boundary for a range window in SetWindowFields.
Public classReadConcern
Represents a read concern.
Public classReadPreference
Represents a read preference.
Public classReadPreferenceHedge
Represents a read preference hedge.
Public classRemoveArgs
Represents arguments to the Remove method.
Public classRenameCollectionOptions
Options for renaming a collection.
Public classRenderedCommand<TResult>
A rendered command.
Public classRenderedFieldDefinition
A rendered field.
Public classRenderedFieldDefinition<TField>
A rendered field.
Public classRenderedPipelineDefinition<TOutput>
A rendered pipeline.
Public classRenderedPipelineStageDefinition<TOutput>
A rendered pipeline stage.
Public classRenderedProjectionDefinition<TProjection>
A rendered projection.
Public classReplaceOneModel<TDocument>
Model for replacing a single document.
Public classReplaceOneResult
The result of an update operation.
Public classReplaceOneResult.Acknowledged
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
Public classReplaceOneResult.Unacknowledged
The result of an unacknowledged update operation.
Public classReplaceOptions
Options for replacing a single document.
Public classReplaceOutputSerializerPipelineDefinition<TInput, TIntermediate, TOutput>
Represents a pipeline with the output serializer replaced.
Public classScopeDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoScope is expected.
Public classServerApi
Represents a server API.
Public classServerApiVersion
Represents a server API version.
Public classSetWindowFieldsWindow
Represents a window for a SetWindowFields window method.
Public classSortByDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoSortBy is expected.
Public classSortDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for sorts.
Public classSortDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
Public classSortDefinitionExtensions
Extension methods for SortDefinition.
Public classSslSettings
Represents the settings for using SSL.
Public classStringFieldDefinition<TDocument>
A String based field name.
Public classStringFieldDefinition<TDocument, TField>
A String based field name.
Public classStringOrRegularExpression
Represents a value that is either a string or a BsonRegularExpression.
Public classSystemProfileInfo
Represents a document from the system.profile collection.
Public classSystemProfileInfoSerializer
Represents a serializer for SystemProfileInfo.
Public classSystemProfileLockStatistics
Statistics about locks for a system.profile document.
Public classSystemProfileLockStatisticsSerializer
Serializer for SystemProfileLockStatistics
Public classSystemProfileReadWriteLockStatistics
Statistics about system.profile read and write time spent in locks.
Public classSystemProfileReadWriteLockStatisticsSerializer
Serializer for SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatistics
Public classTag
Represents a replica set member tag.
Public classTagSet
Represents a replica set member tag set.
Public classTextSearchOptions
Represents text search options.
Public classTimeRangeWindowBoundary
Represents a time boundary for a range window in SetWindowFields.
Public classTimeSeriesOptions
Defines the time series options to use when creating a time series collection. See for supported options and for more information on time series collections.
Public classTransactionOptions
Transaction options.
Public classUpdateDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for updates.
Public classUpdateDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
Public classUpdateDefinitionExtensions
Extension methods for UpdateDefinition.
Public classUpdateDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoUpdate is expected.
Public classUpdateManyModel<TDocument>
Model for updating many documents.
Public classUpdateOneModel<TDocument>
Model for updating a single document.
Public classUpdateOptions
Options for updating a single document.
Public classUpdateResult
The result of an update operation.
Public classUpdateResult.Acknowledged
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
Public classUpdateResult.Unacknowledged
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
Public classValidateCollectionArgs
Represents arguments for the Validate collection command helper method.
Public classValidateCollectionResult
Represents the results of a validate collection command.
Public classValidateCollectionResult.ExtentDetails
Represents the details of the first extent of the collection.
Public classValueRangeWindowBoundary
Represents a value boundary for a document window in SetWindowFields.
Public classValueRangeWindowBoundary<TValue>
Represents a value boundary for a range window in SetWindowFields.
Public classWriteConcern
Represents a write concern.
Public classWriteConcern.WCount
Represents a numeric WValue.
Public classWriteConcern.WMode
Represents a mode string WValue.
Public classWriteConcern.WValue
Represents the base class for w values.
Public classWriteConcernError
Represents the details of a write concern error.
Public classWriteConcernResult
Represents the results of an operation performed with an acknowledged WriteConcern.
Public classWriteError
Represents the details of a write error.
Public classWriteModel<TDocument>
Base class for a write model.
Public classXYPoint
Represents a 2D point represented using x, y coordinates.
Public interfaceIAggregateFluent<TResult>
Fluent interface for aggregate.
Public interfaceIAsyncCursor<TDocument>
Represents an asynchronous cursor.
Public interfaceIAsyncCursorSource<TDocument>
Represents an operation that will return a cursor when executed.
Public interfaceIChangeStreamCursor<TDocument>
Represents an asynchronous cursor for change stream.
Public interfaceIClientSession
The interface for a client session.
Public interfaceIClientSessionHandle
A handle to an underlying reference counted IClientSession.
Public interfaceICoreServerSession
The interface for a core server session.
Public interfaceIFilteredMongoCollection<TDocument>
A filtered mongo collection. The filter will be and'ed with all filters.
Public interfaceIFindFluent<TDocument, TProjection>
Fluent interface for find.
Public interfaceIMongoClient
The client interface to MongoDB.
Public interfaceIMongoCollection<TDocument>
Represents a typed collection in MongoDB.
Public interfaceIMongoCollectionOptions
A marker interface that represents options for creating a collection (see CollectionOptionsDocument and the CollectionOptions builder).
Public interfaceIMongoCommand
A marker interface that represents a command (see CommandDocument).
Public interfaceIMongoCreateViewOptions
A marker interface that represents options for creating a view (see CreateViewOptionsDocument and the CreateViewOptions builder).
Public interfaceIMongoDatabase
Represents a database in MongoDB.
Public interfaceIMongoFields
A marker interface that represents a list of fields (see FieldsDocument and the Fields builder).
Public interfaceIMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions Obsolete.
A marker interface that represents geo haystack search options (see GeoSearchHaystackOptionsDocument and the GeoHaystackSearchOptions builder).
Public interfaceIMongoGeoNearOptions Obsolete.
A marker interface that represents geo search options (see GeoNearOptionsDocument and the GeoNearOptions builder).
Public interfaceIMongoGroupBy
A marker interface that represents what to group by (see GroupByDocument and the GroupBy builder).
Public interfaceIMongoIndexKeys
A marker interface that represents the keys of an index (see IndexKeysDocument and the IndexKeys builder).
Public interfaceIMongoIndexManager<TDocument>
An interface representing methods used to create, delete and modify indexes.
Public interfaceIMongoIndexOptions
A marker interface that represents options for creating an index (see IndexOptionsDocument and the IndexOptions builder).
Public interfaceIMongoQuery
A marker interface that represents a query (see QueryDocument and the Query builder).
Public interfaceIMongoScope
A marker interface that represents a scope (a set of variables with values, see ScopeDocument).
Public interfaceIMongoSortBy
A marker interface that represents a sort order (see SortByDocument and the SortBy builder).
Public interfaceIMongoUpdate
A marker interface that represents an update modifier (see UpdateDocument and the Update builder).
Public interfaceIOrderedAggregateFluent<TResult>
Fluent interface for aggregate.
Public interfaceIOrderedFindFluent<TDocument, TProjection>
Fluent interface for find.
Public interfaceIPipelineStageDefinition
A pipeline stage.
Public interfaceIRenderedPipelineStageDefinition
A rendered pipeline stage.
Public interfaceIServerSession
The interface for a server session.
Public enumerationAggregateOutputMode Obsolete.
Represents the output mode for an aggregate operation.
Public enumerationAggregateStringTranslationMode
Option for which expression to generate for certain string operations.
Public enumerationChangeStreamFullDocumentBeforeChangeOption
Change stream FullDocumentBeforeChange option.
Public enumerationChangeStreamFullDocumentOption
Change stream FullDocument option.
Public enumerationChangeStreamOperationType
The operation type of a change stream result.
Public enumerationCollationAlternate
Controls whether spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
Public enumerationCollationCaseFirst
Uppercase or lowercase first.
Public enumerationCollationMaxVariable
Controls which characters are affected by alternate: "Shifted".
Public enumerationCollationStrength
Prioritizes the comparison properties.
Public enumerationCollectionSystemFlags
Represents collection system flags.
Public enumerationCollectionUserFlags
Represents collection user flags.
Public enumerationConnectionMode Obsolete.
Server connection mode.
Public enumerationCursorType
The cursor type.
Public enumerationDensifyDateTimeUnit
Represents a densify DateTime unit.
Public enumerationDocumentValidationAction
Represents the document validation action.
Public enumerationDocumentValidationLevel
Represents the document validation level.
Public enumerationEvalFlags
Flags used with the Eval method in MongoDatabase.
Public enumerationFeatureId
Represents the Id of a feature.
Public enumerationFindAndModifyDocumentVersion
Represents a version of a document (original or modified).
Public enumerationInsertFlags
Flags used with the Insert method in MongoCollection.
Public enumerationMapReduceOutputMode Obsolete.
Represents the output mode for a map-reduce operation.
Public enumerationMergeStageWhenMatched
The behavior of $merge is a result document and an existing document in the collection have the same value for the specified on field(s).
Public enumerationMergeStageWhenNotMatched
The behavior of $merge if a result document does not match an existing document in the output collection.
Public enumerationMongoServerInstanceType
Represents an instance of a MongoDB server host (in the case of a replica set a MongoServer uses multiple MongoServerInstances).
Public enumerationMongoServerState
The state of a MongoServer instance.
Public enumerationProfilingLevel
Represents what level of profile information to write.
Public enumerationQueryFlags
Flags used with queries (see the SetQueryFlags method of MongoCursor).
Public enumerationReadConcernLevel
The leve of the read concern.
Public enumerationReadPreferenceMode
Represents the read preference mode.
Public enumerationRemoveFlags
Flags used with the Remove method of MongoCollection.
Public enumerationReturnDocument
Which version of the document to return when executing a FindAndModify command.
Public enumerationServerErrorCategory
Represents the category for an error from the server.
Public enumerationSortDirection
The direction of the sort.
Public enumerationTimeSeriesGranularity
Specifies the granularity of time series collection bucketing.
Public enumerationUpdateDefinitionCurrentDateType
The type to use for a $currentDate operator.
Public enumerationUpdateFlags
Flags used with the Update method in MongoCollection.
Public enumerationWriteModelType
The type of a write model.