| Name | Description |
  | Bucket<TResult, TValue>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TValue>>, IEnumerable<TValue>, AggregateBucketOptions<TValue>) |
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
  | Bucket<TResult, TValue, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TValue>>, IEnumerable<TValue>, Expression<Func<IGrouping<TValue, TResult>, TNewResult>>, AggregateBucketOptions<TValue>) |
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
  | BucketAuto<TResult, TValue>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TValue>>, Int32, AggregateBucketAutoOptions) |
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
  | BucketAuto<TResult, TValue, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TValue>>, Int32, Expression<Func<IGrouping<AggregateBucketAutoResultId<TValue>, TResult>, TNewResult>>, AggregateBucketAutoOptions) |
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline (this overload can only be used with LINQ3).
  | BucketAutoForLinq2<TResult, TValue, TNewResult> |
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline (this method can only be used with LINQ2).
  | Densify<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>, DensifyRange, IEnumerable<Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>>) |
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
  | Densify<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>, DensifyRange,Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>[]) |
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
  | Documents<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<NoPipelineInput>, AggregateExpressionDefinition<NoPipelineInput, IEnumerable<TResult>>, IBsonSerializer<TResult>) |
Appends a $documents stage to the pipeline.
  | Documents<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<NoPipelineInput>, IEnumerable<TResult>, IBsonSerializer<TResult>) |
Appends a $documents stage to the pipeline.
  | Facet<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>,AggregateFacet<TResult>[]) |
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
  | Facet<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IEnumerable<AggregateFacet<TResult>>) |
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
  | Facet<TResult, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>,AggregateFacet<TResult>[]) |
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
  | First<TResult> |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
  | FirstAsync<TResult> |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
  | FirstOrDefault<TResult> |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
  | FirstOrDefaultAsync<TResult> |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
  | GraphLookup<TResult, TFrom>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<TFrom>, FieldDefinition<TFrom, BsonValue>, FieldDefinition<TFrom, BsonValue>, AggregateExpressionDefinition<TResult, BsonValue>, FieldDefinition<BsonDocument, IEnumerable<BsonDocument>>, FieldDefinition<BsonDocument, Int32>) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
  | GraphLookup<TResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAs, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<TFrom>, FieldDefinition<TFrom, TConnectFrom>, FieldDefinition<TFrom, TConnectTo>, AggregateExpressionDefinition<TResult, TStartWith>, FieldDefinition<TNewResult, TAs>, AggregateGraphLookupOptions<TFrom, TFrom, TNewResult>) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
  | GraphLookup<TResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAs, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<TFrom>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TConnectFrom>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TConnectTo>>, Expression<Func<TResult, TStartWith>>, Expression<Func<TNewResult, TAs>>, AggregateGraphLookupOptions<TFrom, TFrom, TNewResult>) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
  | GraphLookup<TResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<TFrom>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TConnectFrom>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TConnectTo>>, Expression<Func<TResult, TStartWith>>, Expression<Func<TNewResult, TAs>>, Expression<Func<TAsElement, Int32>>, AggregateGraphLookupOptions<TFrom, TAsElement, TNewResult>) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
  | Group<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, ProjectionDefinition<TResult, BsonDocument>) |
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
  | Group<TResult, TKey, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TKey>>, Expression<Func<IGrouping<TKey, TResult>, TNewResult>>) |
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
  | Lookup<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<BsonDocument>, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinition<BsonDocument, BsonDocument>, FieldDefinition<BsonDocument, IEnumerable<BsonDocument>>) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
  | Lookup<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, String, FieldDefinition<TResult>, FieldDefinition<BsonDocument>, FieldDefinition<BsonDocument>) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
  | Lookup<TResult, TForeignDocument, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<TForeignDocument>, Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>, Expression<Func<TForeignDocument, Object>>, Expression<Func<TNewResult, Object>>, AggregateLookupOptions<TForeignDocument, TNewResult>) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
  | Lookup<TResult, TForeignDocument, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, IMongoCollection<TForeignDocument>, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinition<TForeignDocument, TAsElement>, Expression<Func<TNewResult, TAs>>, AggregateLookupOptions<TForeignDocument, TNewResult>) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
  | Match<TResult> |
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
  | Project<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, ProjectionDefinition<TResult, BsonDocument>) |
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
  | Project<TResult, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TNewResult>>) |
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
  | ReplaceRoot<TResult, TNewResult> |
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
  | ReplaceWith<TResult, TNewResult> |
Appends a $replaceWith stage to the pipeline.
  | SetWindowFields<TResult, TWindowFields>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<ISetWindowFieldsPartition<TResult>, TWindowFields>>) |
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
  | SetWindowFields<TResult, TPartitionBy, TWindowFields>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TPartitionBy>>, Expression<Func<ISetWindowFieldsPartition<TResult>, TWindowFields>>) |
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
  | SetWindowFields<TResult, TPartitionBy, TWindowFields>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, TPartitionBy>>, SortDefinition<TResult>, Expression<Func<ISetWindowFieldsPartition<TResult>, TWindowFields>>) |
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
  | Single<TResult> |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
  | SingleAsync<TResult> |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
  | SingleOrDefault<TResult> |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
  | SingleOrDefaultAsync<TResult> |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
  | SortBy<TResult> |
Appends an ascending sort stage to the pipeline.
  | SortByCount<TResult, TKey> |
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
  | SortByDescending<TResult> |
Appends a descending sort stage to the pipeline.
  | ThenBy<TResult> |
Modifies the current sort stage by appending an ascending field specification to it.
  | ThenByDescending<TResult> |
Modifies the current sort stage by appending a descending field specification to it.
  | Unwind<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, FieldDefinition<TResult>) |
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
  | Unwind<TResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>) |
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
  | Unwind<TResult, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>, IBsonSerializer<TNewResult>) | Obsolete.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
  | Unwind<TResult, TNewResult>(IAggregateFluent<TResult>, Expression<Func<TResult, Object>>, AggregateUnwindOptions<TNewResult>) |
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.