| Name | Description |
 | Aggregate<TResult>(PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | Aggregate<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | AggregateAsync<TResult>(PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | AggregateAsync<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | AggregateToCollection<TResult>(PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | AggregateToCollection<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | AggregateToCollectionAsync<TResult>(PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | AggregateToCollectionAsync<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, PipelineDefinition<NoPipelineInput, TResult>, AggregateOptions, CancellationToken) |
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
 | CreateCollection(String, CreateCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Creates the collection with the specified name.
 | CreateCollection(IClientSessionHandle, String, CreateCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Creates the collection with the specified name.
 | CreateCollectionAsync(String, CreateCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Creates the collection with the specified name.
 | CreateCollectionAsync(IClientSessionHandle, String, CreateCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Creates the collection with the specified name.
 | CreateView<TDocument, TResult>(String, String, PipelineDefinition<TDocument, TResult>, CreateViewOptions<TDocument>, CancellationToken) |
Creates a view.
 | CreateView<TDocument, TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, String, String, PipelineDefinition<TDocument, TResult>, CreateViewOptions<TDocument>, CancellationToken) |
Creates a view.
 | CreateViewAsync<TDocument, TResult>(String, String, PipelineDefinition<TDocument, TResult>, CreateViewOptions<TDocument>, CancellationToken) |
Creates a view.
 | CreateViewAsync<TDocument, TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, String, String, PipelineDefinition<TDocument, TResult>, CreateViewOptions<TDocument>, CancellationToken) |
Creates a view.
 | DropCollection(String, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollection(String, DropCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollection(IClientSessionHandle, String, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollection(IClientSessionHandle, String, DropCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollectionAsync(String, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollectionAsync(String, DropCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollectionAsync(IClientSessionHandle, String, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | DropCollectionAsync(IClientSessionHandle, String, DropCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Drops the collection with the specified name.
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetCollection<TDocument> |
Gets a collection.
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | ListCollectionNames(ListCollectionNamesOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollectionNames(IClientSessionHandle, ListCollectionNamesOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollectionNamesAsync(ListCollectionNamesOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollectionNamesAsync(IClientSessionHandle, ListCollectionNamesOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollections(ListCollectionsOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollections(IClientSessionHandle, ListCollectionsOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollectionsAsync(ListCollectionsOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists all the collections in the database.
 | ListCollectionsAsync(IClientSessionHandle, ListCollectionsOptions, CancellationToken) |
Lists all the collections in the database.
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | RenameCollection(String, String, RenameCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Renames the collection.
 | RenameCollection(IClientSessionHandle, String, String, RenameCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Renames the collection.
 | RenameCollectionAsync(String, String, RenameCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Renames the collection.
 | RenameCollectionAsync(IClientSessionHandle, String, String, RenameCollectionOptions, CancellationToken) |
Renames the collection.
 | RunCommand<TResult>(Command<TResult>, ReadPreference, CancellationToken) |
Runs a command.
 | RunCommand<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, Command<TResult>, ReadPreference, CancellationToken) |
Runs a command.
 | RunCommandAsync<TResult>(Command<TResult>, ReadPreference, CancellationToken) |
Runs a command.
 | RunCommandAsync<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, Command<TResult>, ReadPreference, CancellationToken) |
Runs a command.
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Watch<TResult>(PipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>, TResult>, ChangeStreamOptions, CancellationToken) |
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
 | Watch<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, PipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>, TResult>, ChangeStreamOptions, CancellationToken) |
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
 | WatchAsync<TResult>(PipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>, TResult>, ChangeStreamOptions, CancellationToken) |
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
 | WatchAsync<TResult>(IClientSessionHandle, PipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>, TResult>, ChangeStreamOptions, CancellationToken) |
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
 | WithReadConcern |
Returns a new IMongoDatabase instance with a different read concern setting.
 | WithReadPreference |
Returns a new IMongoDatabase instance with a different read preference setting.
 | WithWriteConcern |
Returns a new IMongoDatabase instance with a different write concern setting.