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IMongoSearchIndexManager Interface

An interface representing methods used to create, delete and modify search indexes.

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver.Search
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver (in MongoDB.Driver.dll) Version: 2.22.0+75246110ed1247226fcc7f8eb2c54ffab745693e
public interface IMongoSearchIndexManager

The IMongoSearchIndexManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateMany
Creates multiple indexes.
Public methodCreateManyAsync
Creates multiple indexes.
Public methodCreateOne(CreateSearchIndexModel, CancellationToken)
Creates a search index.
Public methodCreateOne(BsonDocument, String, CancellationToken)
Creates a search index.
Public methodCreateOneAsync(CreateSearchIndexModel, CancellationToken)
Creates a search index.
Public methodCreateOneAsync(BsonDocument, String, CancellationToken)
Creates a search index.
Public methodDropOne
Drops an index by its name.
Public methodDropOneAsync
Drops an index by its name.
Public methodList
Lists the search indexes.
Public methodListAsync
Lists the search indexes.
Public methodUpdate
Update the search index.
Public methodUpdateAsync
Update the search index.
See Also