Class ClientEncryption

The public interface for explicit in-use encryption


  • Create a new encryption instance


    Returns ClientEncryption

    new ClientEncryption(mongoClient, {
    keyVaultNamespace: 'client.encryption',
    kmsProviders: {
    local: {
    key: masterKey // The master key used for encryption/decryption. A 96-byte long Buffer
    new ClientEncryption(mongoClient, {
    keyVaultNamespace: 'client.encryption',
    kmsProviders: {
    aws: {
    accessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
    secretAccessKey: AWS_SECRET_KEY



  • Adds a keyAltName to a key identified by the provided _id.

    This method resolves to/returns the old key value (prior to adding the new altKeyName).


    • _id: Binary

      The id of the document to update.

    • keyAltName: string

      a keyAltName to search for a key

    Returns Promise<null | WithId<DataKey>>

    Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the id. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

    // adding an keyAltName to a data key
    const id = new Binary(); // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
    const keyAltName = 'keyAltName';
    const oldKey = await clientEncryption.addKeyAltName(id, keyAltName);
    if (!oldKey) {
    // null is returned if there is no matching document with an id matching the supplied id
  • Creates a data key used for explicit encryption and inserts it into the key vault namespace


    Returns Promise<UUID>

    // Using async/await to create a local key
    const dataKeyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('local');
    // Using async/await to create an aws key
    const dataKeyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('aws', {
    masterKey: {
    region: 'us-east-1',
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // CMK ARN here
    // Using async/await to create an aws key with a keyAltName
    const dataKeyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('aws', {
    masterKey: {
    region: 'us-east-1',
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // CMK ARN here
    keyAltNames: [ 'mySpecialKey' ]
  • Explicitly decrypt a provided encrypted value

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • value: Binary

      An encrypted value

    Returns Promise<T>

    a Promise that either resolves with the decrypted value, or rejects with an error

    // Decrypting value with async/await API
    async function decryptMyValue(value) {
    return clientEncryption.decrypt(value);
  • Deletes the key with the provided id from the keyvault, if it exists.


    Returns Promise<DeleteResult>

    // delete a key by _id
    const id = new Binary(); // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
    const { deletedCount } = await clientEncryption.deleteKey(id);

    if (deletedCount != null && deletedCount > 0) {
    // successful deletion
  • Explicitly encrypt a provided value. Note that either options.keyId or options.keyAltName must be specified. Specifying both options.keyId and options.keyAltName is considered an error.


    Returns Promise<Binary>

    a Promise that either resolves with the encrypted value, or rejects with an error.

    // Encryption with async/await api
    async function encryptMyData(value) {
    const keyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('local');
    return clientEncryption.encrypt(value, { keyId, algorithm: 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic' });
    // Encryption using a keyAltName
    async function encryptMyData(value) {
    await clientEncryption.createDataKey('local', { keyAltNames: 'mySpecialKey' });
    return clientEncryption.encrypt(value, { keyAltName: 'mySpecialKey', algorithm: 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic' });
  • Encrypts a Match Expression or Aggregate Expression to query a range index.

    Only supported when queryType is "range" and algorithm is "Range".


    • expression: Document

      a BSON document of one of the following forms:

      1. A Match Expression of this form: {$and: [{<field>: {$gt: <value1>}}, {<field>: {$lt: <value2> }}]}
      2. An Aggregate Expression of this form: {$and: [{$gt: [<fieldpath>, <value1>]}, {$lt: [<fieldpath>, <value2>]}]}

      $gt may also be $gte. $lt may also be $lte.

    • options: ClientEncryptionEncryptOptions

    Returns Promise<Binary>

    Returns a Promise that either resolves with the encrypted value or rejects with an error.

  • Finds a key in the keyvault with the specified _id.

    Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the id. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.


    Returns Promise<null | DataKey>

    // getting a key by id
    const id = new Binary(); // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
    const key = await clientEncryption.getKey(id);
    if (!key) {
    // key is null if there was no matching key
  • Finds a key in the keyvault which has the specified keyAltName.


    • keyAltName: string

      a keyAltName to search for a key

    Returns Promise<null | WithId<DataKey>>

    Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the keyAltName. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

    // get a key by alt name
    const keyAltName = 'keyAltName';
    const key = await clientEncryption.getKeyByAltName(keyAltName);
    if (!key) {
    // key is null if there is no matching key
  • Adds a keyAltName to a key identified by the provided _id.

    This method resolves to/returns the old key value (prior to removing the new altKeyName).

    If the removed keyAltName is the last keyAltName for that key, the altKeyNames property is unset from the document.


    • _id: Binary

      The id of the document to update.

    • keyAltName: string

      a keyAltName to search for a key

    Returns Promise<null | WithId<DataKey>>

    Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the id. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

    // removing a key alt name from a data key
    const id = new Binary(); // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
    const keyAltName = 'keyAltName';
    const oldKey = await clientEncryption.removeKeyAltName(id, keyAltName);

    if (!oldKey) {
    // null is returned if there is no matching document with an id matching the supplied id
  • Searches the keyvault for any data keys matching the provided filter. If there are matches, rewrapManyDataKey then attempts to re-wrap the data keys using the provided options.

    If no matches are found, then no bulk write is performed.

    Returns Promise<{
        bulkWriteResult?: BulkWriteResult;

    // rewrapping all data data keys (using a filter that matches all documents)
    const filter = {};

    const result = await clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey(filter);
    if (result.bulkWriteResult != null) {
    // keys were re-wrapped, results will be available in the bulkWrite object.
    // attempting to rewrap all data keys with no matches
    const filter = { _id: new Binary() } // assume _id matches no documents in the database
    const result = await clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey(filter);

    if (result.bulkWriteResult == null) {
    // no keys matched, `bulkWriteResult` does not exist on the result object