Interface GridFSBucketWriteStreamOptions

interface GridFSBucketWriteStreamOptions {
    aliases?: string[];
    chunkSizeBytes?: number;
    contentType?: string;
    id?: ObjectId;
    metadata?: Document;
    writeConcern?: WriteConcern | WriteConcernSettings;

Hierarchy (view full)


aliases?: string[]

Array of strings to store in the file document's aliases field.

Will be removed in the next major version. Add an aliases field to the metadata document instead.

chunkSizeBytes?: number

Overwrite this bucket's chunkSizeBytes for this file

contentType?: string

String to store in the file document's contentType field.

Will be removed in the next major version. Add a contentType field to the metadata document instead.

Custom file id for the GridFS file.

metadata?: Document

Object to store in the file document's metadata field

Write Concern as an object
