Interface RangeOptions

RangeOptions specifies index options for a Queryable Encryption field supporting "range" queries. min, max, sparsity, trimFactor and range must match the values set in the encryptedFields of the destination collection. For double and decimal128, min/max/precision must all be set, or all be unset.

interface RangeOptions {
    max?: any;
    min?: any;
    precision?: number;
    sparsity?: bigint | Long;
    trimFactor?: number | Int32;


max?: any

max is the minimum value for the encrypted index. Required if precision is set.

min?: any

min is the minimum value for the encrypted index. Required if precision is set.

precision?: number
sparsity?: bigint | Long

sparsity may be used to tune performance. must be non-negative. When omitted, a default value is used.

trimFactor?: number | Int32

trimFactor may be used to tune performance. must be non-negative. When omitted, a default value is used.
